
in Nature & Agriculture3 months ago

Assalamu Alaikum,
Hello everyone,
I am @selina1

From #Bangladesh


Starting by wishing all steemit friends good health.. Let's come to participate in a great new contest in nature and agriculture community. The theme of the contest is Planting. Today I will participate in this contest with my experience. So let's get started.


Are you a farmer?

Farmer means a person who is engaged in agricultural work and earns a living by producing various crops and vegetables. Apart from doing agricultural work, the farmer also takes care of domestic animals. Bangladesh is an agricultural country. Besides, the agricultural production is more in the rural areas of this country. As I live in the village and our area also has agricultural production. Agriculture is the main source of our family's GB tax. So I am a member of a farming family and I grow various vegetables around my house. It means that I am a farmer. I am really proud that I am a child of a farmer family and I do agriculture, that is, I am a farmer.



Does your family and neighborhood have different types of plants or arable land?

Yes my family has land where various plants or agriculture are produced. Depending on the type of land, vegetation or other agricultural production is done. We usually grow a variety of plants and vegetables in the bare upland around our house with fertile soil. Besides, we usually grow paddy in areas other than around the house where paddy crops are grown. The main product of our crop production is paddy cultivation. Apart from rice, there are jute wheat etc. The lands we have for agricultural production are rich in loam and loamy soils which are suitable for rice cultivation.

In addition to plants and crops, various groups of vegetables are cultivated in these lands. Some days ago, I planted a garden of various vegetables such as brinjal, pepper plant, pineapple, bean and gourd plant near my house. I am really happy to be engaged in agriculture


What are the most common crops grown in your area and how are they planted?

The soil type in our region is loamy soil which is very suitable for paddy cultivation. Apart from paddy, jute and wheat etc. are cultivated. But rice is grown more than other crops. Paddy is our main cultivated product. Rice is the first cultivated crop in Bangladesh. Following are the planting methods of rice cultivation

Rice is cultivated twice a year in our region. Rice seedlings are planted in the months of Baisakh and Agrahayana. To prepare rice seeds, the rice is first soaked for some time and kept in place. The songs are usually soaked in a sack-like interior that holds them tightly together. So after a few days when the paddy sprouts, the farmer separates and breaks the paddy with his hands using his own technique.

Then the farmer has to prepare his land for planting rice seeds so the farmer first water his land well to create clay soil and then clear the land. After the soil of the land becomes white and soft, the farmer scatters the rice seeds on the land very efficiently.

In this way, after a few days, rice seedlings are formed. After that, the farmer prepares the land again for planting rice seedlings and plants them without rice.


How good do you think the soil fertility is in your area?

I think the soil fertility in our area is very good. However, due to climate change, agricultural production is facing huge losses. But due to the high elevation of our area, floods do not cause much damage. Besides, there has not been much drought in our area for the past few years. So the soil of our land is fertile and fertile.

As the soil is fertile, the cultivated produce is very good and the farmer is able to profit by growing crops on his land. However, this does not happen every year because climate change has a major impact on crops in some years. So it is difficult to say that every year the farmer can produce the crop as expected from his land. But I can tell you that in the current situation the farmers in our area are getting good profit by producing crops as per the impact of climate change.


Finally, please share with us what kind of vegetables and crops grow in your area in winter.

As I said before our house neighborhood or our area is high area. So different types of vegetables are cultivated or produced in winter in our area. Our Bangladesh seasons are six. However, more variety of vegetables are available in winter than all other seasons i.e. more are produced. A variety of winter vegetables or crops are grown in our region. For example,

  • Leafy vegetables include red leafy greens, turnip greens, spinach greens, radish greens, gourd greens, etc.

  • Vegetables include brinjal, green chillies, gourds, beans, dates, sweet pumpkins, barbati, chichinga etc.

  • Crops include paddy. But different in which rice is cultivated. For example: Boro rice, Jira Shail, Katari Bhog etc.

Agriculture is a major occupation in our Bangladesh. Bangladesh is making money by producing various crops and exporting them abroad. That is, Bangladesh is able to earn foreign currency because of farmers. Not only Bangladesh but now there are many countries in the world whose main occupation is agriculture. So we should increase interest in agriculture and promote the use of digital technology in agricultural production in this digital age. By doing this, the farmer will be able to produce his crops and the country will also be able to develop.



Thank you all for reading my post

I would like to invite some of my friends to this contest. They are, @dasudi @drhira @alexanderpeace @afrinn


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Curated by: @bossj23

 3 months ago 

Thank you so much for your valuable support. I am really happy to receive this support.❤️
