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RE: The value of education for kids

in Students & Steem6 days ago

Is this meant for parents or students? If not specific for student why didn't you talk to the bad behaving teachers? Beating up? Is that what drives teachers to teach?

You could highlught or send an advice to the teacher instead of the parents. I know where I live most teacher can hardly teach and they do not show interest in the child's caoability or highlights its talents. If it comes to teaching most parents took over that job or the child is on it's own.

It would be good if you mention what you described is your personal experience in the country you live.
10 minute talks with a teacher who sets an egg timer are seen as pointless with Dutch parents. You are sent out if those 10 minutes are up and if there are issues you should make an apoiintment to discuss that. As a parent I can say it's a waste of my time to take free of my job and if an apoointment in the evening can be made it's a waste of my time to travel , wait, hear what is a written in a report. The situation is if it comes to me that teachers know I am busy and if I show up there's a huge problem


 6 days ago 

It turn by turn an on it the bad behaviors of teachers to students ma.

 6 days ago 

If I read this reply I have no idea what you mean. Try again

Interesting label you have behind your name.. what is it those 3 stars represent?

 6 days ago 

I say my next post will be about the bad behaviors of teachers because some teachers aren't even teaching the students but they received salary at month end

 6 days ago 

That sounds like a good topic to write about.

Or start a comment post where people can share their experiences with teachers.