Application for Season 20th of the Steemit Engagement Challenge - individual Challengers mode

in Seven Network7 months ago (edited)

GIF 23-8-2024 14-37-08.gif
imagen for @joslud

I send a warm greeting to the SteemitBlog team; through this publication I present my proposal to organize an individual Challengers for the SEC-20 season.

The Challenge Proposal:
Macrophotography with a cell phone for beginners




Beginner (but open to any steemian)
Macrophotography with a cell phone for beginners
Didactic approach:
Challenge-based learning
Based on a weekly challenge, the participant puts into practice his skills to take close-up macro photos with his cell phone.


Skills to be developed in the participant:

✅ Differentiates a macro photograph from other types of photography based on: close-up achieved to the subject, focus-sharpness, background management.
✅ Take macro photos with your cell phone, making the most of your equipment.
✅ Develop your “Photographic Eye”, handling the elements of photographic composition.
✅ Apply framing, reframing and cropping to enhance your macro photos.

What will the Dynamic be?:

Weekly we will focus on a theme from which to put into practice the skills of capturing close-up macro photos. In order to improve this competence.
With each weekly Challenge, the participant performs at least:

1️⃣ A critical thinking activity, reasoning and expressing his opinion based on the question generating the challenge.

2️⃣ Practical activities or exercises, consisting of taking (3) macro photos following the specifications of the challenge.

3️⃣ Prepare a post, where he presents at least three macro photos that he has captured that same week following the instructions of each exercise, as evidence of his learning and evolution.


Weekly Challenges



Generating question

📅 Week 1
Challenge 1
Show your macro photos
Can I differentiate a macro photo from other types of photos?
📅 Week 2
Challenge 2
Close-ups: Focusing and defocusing
How close can I get with my photography equipment for a macro photo?
📅 Week 3
Challenge 3
Angles and shots
Where and how do I capture macros?
📅 Week 4
Challenge 4
Importance of the Background
I try different backgrounds for my macros
📅 Week 5
Challenge 5
Framing, reframing and cropping
Can I choose the best frame for my macros?
📅 Week 6
Challenge 6
Highlight the protagonist
How do I make the subject of my macros the central protagonist?


The Responsible



My name is José DHoy. I live in Venezuela. Currently retired from teaching and guidance. I have been on Steemit since the end of 2017. I love writing and telling stories, and I am also passionate about visual arts, with the hobby of macro photography using my cell phone.

Discord and Telegram user: joslud


1️⃣ TEACHING SKILLS, with specialization in e-learning and virtual education.
2️⃣ EXPERIENCE WITH VISUAL ARTS in general, with 12 years of work in a high school focused on visual arts.
3️⃣ SELF-TAUGHT IN MACRO PHOTOGRAPHY as an art, on Steemit I have been dedicating myself to perfecting and learning this photographic technique and art.
4️⃣ MENTORING SKILLS: I have generated several publications focused on macro photography, as well as tutorials on the subject. (See appendix section [1])
5️⃣ LANGUAGES: Excellent command of Spanish as a native language. I also have medium skill with English and Portuguese. Good communicator.
6️⃣ SUPPORT FOR STEEMIT: I have the time and habit of making curations and comments on the platform, which would facilitate the monitoring of participants' publications.


My labour on Steemit

On Steemit I have survived several “hardforks”, that already says a lot. I am currently working as a curator for two communities and a project:

Curator on :

✅ Seven Network since mid-2022.
✅ Curator on Steem Lens since early 2024.
✅ Manual curator for the Tipu Curators Project almost since its creation.

Curation Reports:

📅 I publish a curation report: Daily Curation on Steemit daily for the Seven Network Community
📷The Top 5 Daily Macrophotography on Steemit macro photography curation every two or three days, for Steem Lens.


My statistics in Steemit


I present the screenshot with my statistics in Steemworld
Outgoing Delegations (5)

Incoming Delegations (1)

I recently rented SP for my account in order to increase my voting power for the healings I do

Waiting for your review and evaluation, willing to join the team and contribute to the strengthening of our Steemit Platform.

Steemians for referrals:



Appendix [1]

I present some posts and tutorials that I have made for Steemit on the subject of Macrophotography.

- - Conoce la Composición Artística y Mejora cómo tomas tus fotos
- - ¿Sabes diferenciar una fotografía macro de otros tipos de fotos?
- - ¿Puedes hacer Macrofotografía con un teléfono celular?
- - What can we consider "Macrophotography" on Steemit?
- - How I take pictures for steemit posts
- - Photographic Cropp | Tutorial
- - Digital animation and cell phone photography
- - Macro for Beginners 001 | Introductory Class
- - Macro for Beginners 002 | Macro photography classification
- - Macro for Beginners 003 | Photographic composition in macro photography
- - Macro for Beginners 004 | Types of shots according to photographic plans



The images and gif are my property, captured with my UMIDIGI A7S Camera Cellphone or directly from my laptop.


My introduction post to Steemit in 2017 : ¿Quién soy? en 7 niveles


Original production by @joslud -- #wox-joslud

I'll wait for you in the next publication.

Guao. Qué interesante esta propuesta. Creo que me anotaré.

Hola amiga.🤗

Desde ya bienvenida. Gracias por comentar

Hola hola querido amigo, me encanta tu propuesta, sé que eres un gran profesional en el área y he admirado tu trabajo por mucho tiempo, mis mejores deseos, éxitos en este nuevo camino y espero verte como docente! 🙂🙏

Gracias amiga por tus palabras y buenos deseos.
Ciertamente se abren nuevos caminos que quisiera explorar.

Saludos amigo.

Muy buena postulación para esta nueva temporada en efecto sí sería buenísimo tener seis semanas con una experiencia fotográfica sacar el mejor provecho de nuestros dispositivos móviles de la cámara los ángulos y todo ese poco de cosas que tiene que si lente amplio, lente pequeño, agrandar, con filtro, sin filtro, macro y otras más que están allí que realmente no sé cuáles serán todas las funciones.

Te deseo éxitos tienes un buen currículum como para optar en una de estas postulaciones y deseándote las mejores de la suerte, es un tema que bastante nos interesa a los que amamos la fotografía y que tratamos de hacer un buen trabajo y registro fotográfico.


Saludos amiga
Gracias por tu apreciación en relación a la propuesta, me complace la veas necesaria.

You have just landed at the right spot sir, your application is well-detailed and I wish you good luck.

Thanks dear friend

Muy buenos puntos para aprender e desarrollar. Cuando inicié en esta plataforma, participé en un curso llamado Fotografritos fueron excelentes días, aún aplico lo que aprendí.

Será emocionante usar mi teléfono para ello. En aquel tiempo usaba una camarita Kodak.

Éxitos amigo 👍

hola @lunasilver

Me hiciste recordar tambien las reuniones en discord donde varios fotografos de Steemit le hacian curación a las publicaciones de fotografías que tomabas par la plataforma, recibí muchos consejos y alientode parte de ellos.

Estás cordialmente invitada a practicar macrofotografía con tu celular. Nos vemos

Gracias por pasar y comentar.

Yeah macro photography is too a good idea to learn. Mostly mobiles are having this feature and so do I, I can also interact with this challenge.

Hi @growwithme

Yes, I've learned a lot about macro photos using your phone's camera lately, mainly by practicing but also by doing research.

You're welcome.

Your post has been rewarded by the Seven Team.

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