New Music, An Original Song

Hello, steemians and music lovers!

For this post, I would like to show you my latest original song. This is a song that I've been working on for the last year or so. When I write a song, I almost never write the entire song at one time. I usually start with a verse and maybe a chorus, and then it takes me a while to work out the rest of the song.

This song was inspired by a summer afternoon sitting on a beach at a local lake. I don't consider the song to be finished yet, this is just the demo version of the song. When I record it for my Soundcloud channel, I will add a couple more instrument tracks and harmony vocals, and I'll probably make it a bit longer. I'm still not sure about the name of the song. I had called it "Day at the Beach", and I think that's a good working title for now.

Here's the video for the song, it's a bit less than 4 minutes long, including the introduction.

Thanks for stopping by to check out my new song!

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