Place a buy order or buy some DAM (Dance and music tokens) if you like to support this community

in Dance and music show2 years ago

Dear dance and music lovers

You could create a post like this one in the dance and music community.

The title could be like the one in this post.

You could share a dance or music video in the body of the post along with

When people buy some DAM or just place a buy order, you will be able to sell your DAM more easily and you will also receive more DAM in the future.

Please read,

Thank you for reading!

 2 years ago 

1.05.2022 г., 07:20:42 ч.

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10027953

From: @market
To: @shemzee

Amount: + 0.98000000 DAM

 2 years ago 

01/05/2022, 13:33:57

Transaction ID:

Sidechain Block: 10028633

From: @donatello
To: @shemzee

Amount: - 8 DAM

Memo: Thank you for your support!

 2 years ago 

Please read,
It's better that you place a buy order instead of buying DAM at a higher price unless the buy and sell order prices are very close to each other.