Dance party week 45 - See who took part in dance party week 44 Let's dance and have fun.
Happy Tuesday my dear dance lovers, The best way to start any activity is from the Hand of God since we are nothing in it, it allows us to be happy, even in the midst of difficulties, greetings with much affection to All.
Dance Party , It is an initiative Created by @donatello, through which it seeks to entertain the Steemians, putting them in motion, through dance, it should be noted that this provides positive energy, oxygenates the mind, helps long-term to maintain our health in optimal conditions as it invigorates the heart, increases pulmonary resistance, provides peace and balance, thus helping to counteract stress, because it allows us to disconnect, it is an exercise that has no age limits, We secrete endorphins, or hormones of happiness every time we play our favorite melody and perform some dance steps, it favors intellectual capacity, creativity helps us to be more sociable and strengthen our ties of family union. So without further ado today Tuesday 11 august I want to present the Dance ***Party Week 45***. With this publication, we want to highlight, and congratulate each of the dance-loving users who were motivated to participate who with much effort, love and dedication They provided the #danceandmusic community with excellent content for entertainment and recreation.
Dance Party
la podriamos definir como una reunion mediante la cual el baile, es el protagonista principal, es decir puedes publicar aqui desde una fiesta, o bailar el genero musical de tu preferencia, solo o acompañado.Dance Party
could be defined as a meeting whereby dance is the main protagonist, that is, you can post here from a party, or dance the musical genre of your choice, alone or accompanied.
Reglas de Participacion:
Solo una entrada por persona.
Escribe una publicación sobre tu fiesta de baile tu video
debe durar al menos un minuto.El título debería ser "Fiesta de baile semana 44".
Crea tu entrada a partir del miercoles, 11-08-2021 al 18-08-2021
Los premios seran en steem .
Usa las etiquetas #dance y #steemexclusive para dos de sus etiquetas.
Has un comentario con el enlace de tu publicacion en este post para ubicarla con mayor facilidad.
Rules of Participation:
Only one ticket per person.
Write a post about your dance party your video
it should last at least one minute.The title should be "Dance party week 45".
Create your ticket starting today, Tuesday, 11-08-2021 al 18-08-2021
The prizes will be in steem.
Use the #dance and #steemexclusive tags for two of your tags.
Make a comment with the link of your publication in this post to locate it more easily.
Participantes semana 44
| Bailarines totales | 05
Diviertete viendo los Bailarines de la semana 44
@donatello fiesta-de-baile-semana-44

@dayanagonzalez fiesta de-baile-semana-44

@ediyelly fiesta de-baile-semana-44

@kealeortiz fiesta de-baile-semana-44

Quedé encantada con estos, participantes maravillosos, Agradecida con todos ustedes por acompañarme en este camino del baile el cual es una arte hermosa, los espero nuevamente la Proxima semana.
@steemcurator01, ¡gracias por apoyar este evento y esta comunidad!
@steemcurator01, thank you for supporting this event and this community!
mucho animo y buena vibra hasta la proxima!
a lot of encouragement and good vibes until next time!
imagenes para decorar mi post fueron extraidas del navegador google.
images to decorate my post were extracted from
Logotipo creado por @oriongg
Unete al grupo facebook y publica tus Talentos.
Felicidades a todos los participantes, gracias por seguir motivados a bailar y compartir la buena música en la comunidad. Un abrazote grande mi bella @mariluna, como siempre haciendo un excelente trabajo.
Hola, @mariajruizb gracias a ti por visitarme y dejarme un lindo comentario amiga Dios te bendiga mucho abrazos preciosa, tu tambien haces un maravilloso trabajo!
holaa!!! aqui les dejo mi participación!!!
mi entrada:
Hola @mariluna, contenta por estar participando con ustedes. Éxitos para todos
Hola espero se encuentren bien xq les dejo mi participación