Which methods does the pharmaceutical lobby use to try to break the resistance of critics?

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago


Recently, an experiment was presented in Galileo, a German knowledge magazine, in which 100 non-vaccinated people participated so that (so-called) "experts" there could try to persuade them to get vaccinated in the end. First, the entire group was divided into undecideds, skeptics and hardliners, i.e. the kind of people who are hardest to persuade to change their minds. On the other side, there was a negotiation trainer who was supposed to help the supposed experts convince these critically thinking people to vaccinate. This team was then joined by a surgeon and vein specialist who also vaccinates people, plus a vaccination campaign worker.

When it started, the whole thing was divided into 4 phases. Phase 1 was titled "Facts & Arguments". They said 75% of the group were afraid of permanent side effects. Of course, this doctor got in front of this group and tried to invalidate the whole thing by saying that the probability of getting infected with Corona is much higher than getting vaccine damage. This downplaying of vaccine damage, which can destroy lives through vaccines with an "emergency approval" (keyword: Thalidomide) and the hyping up of the danger through the flu, which has recently been called "Corona" worldwide, should thus "make compliant" the until then unwilling opponents of vaccination.

The negotiation trainer also spoke of a "risk of omission" in connection with a vaccination refusal, of the fact that many people do not become active and think that they minimize their risk by simply refusing the injection, although the risk on the other side, according to the statements of the vaccination proponents, is supposedly much higher. Despite all efforts, the test subjects could not be convinced by this strategy in the end and therefore continued to refuse to be vaccinated.


Next, group 2 was targeted and told that 85% of people have doubts because the test duration for Corona vaccines has been much too short compared to normal vaccines, which leads to the rejection of the officially unquestioning "prick". Of course, again "pseudo-genial arguments" were used, there would have been huge test groups after all. Ok, there is no connection with the time, because of which the test persons had concerns, but as a substitute the size of the test groups should dispel all concerns. The second argument was that different test phases could also run in parallel, which is why the comparatively short time for the test phases should no longer be considered a concern.

When the first phase was completed, the doctor and the negotiation trainer consulted further and the negotiation trainer recommended not to ask the participants of the study any more why they don't want it, because then many get into such a "justification mechanism" and possibly stubbornly stick to their opinion. Alternatively, the doctor should from now on score points with other things, for one thing by telling about "solidarity", about the fact that it would be the duty of the citizens to get involved, to show civil courage and to be selfless, they would finally help others with it, etc.

At the end of Phase 1, it was the case that 5 of the participants could (unfortunately) be convinced to get vaccinated. Motivated by this low success, the doctor later said that most people are simply not properly informed and therefore act in such a way that they do not do it. In my opinion, he is even right in one point, because for a long time there has also been a strong censorship on the subject, which makes it difficult to inform oneself with the help of "independent sources" that do not bombard people one-sidedly with pro-vaccination propaganda, while almost every dissenting view on the subject that is not in line with the state is simply censored and deleted, in order to be able to continue to control the formation of people's opinions globally.


To sum up, after phase 1, as they called it "facts and arguments" (even if no provable facts were given besides simple assertions), they managed to convince a small minority of undecideds.

Now phase 2 was launched, which was exclusively about "emotions", as 72% of the participants said that all the hysteria around Corona was only hyped by the media, but in reality it is not as bad as it is constantly said. Two people who are part of the official campaign of the Ministry of Health were invited to give a talk about how they are now struggling with the long-term consequences of the infection, in order to play on people's emotions and panic them so that they will ultimately be more afraid of the infection and end up getting injected with this gene-modifying broth.

Result: After the presentations were over, not a single one of the participants changed their minds!😁


In the next step, phase 3 was started, in which "peer pressure" was used. For this purpose, there were three infiltrated actors in the group. The spies thus blended into the group undercover and were to use their status to influence the other group members. In an informational interview with the doctor, the three infiltrated actors were invited in, plus three normal participants in the experiment. The doctor answered a few questions, provided his supposed "information" to all participants, and at the end asked who had changed their mind and let the syringe get to them after all. Of course, the three actors immediately raised their hands and claimed to have changed their minds because of the convincing lecture and hoped that the others would follow suit because of peer pressure.

Result: None of the targets fell into the trap! The three participants only looked at the actors skeptically and were surprised that the supposedly normal participants were suddenly in favor of the vaccination after this "information round", which meant that phase 3 was also a failure and phase 4 was started immediately without much of a break.

Phase 4 focused on "cash incentives."


The beginning was made with small amounts of money and it was asked who is willing to be vaccinated for 50 €. The offer was unanimously rejected, even 100 € could not make any of the participants give in. The next step was "individual negotiations". Up to 1000 € were offered to the people as a bribe, but all of them continued to steadfastly refuse, it was even noticed that the candidates were always quicker to say "No" (!) when the offered sum was higher than the previous one. I quote, "The more we offer, the faster the no comes." Spectators and project managers alike were stunned that none of the bribery attempts worked.

In the next step, they decided to tighten up their strategy after concluding that there had simply been too little money offered so far. What came now was a vaccination lottery with a sum of 5000 € to be won. The condition of participation was that all those who took part in this lottery had to undergo the vaccination afterwards, even if only one could win there. There were two participants, one of them won, but both had to accept the prick afterwards!

What I have to say after looking at this disappointment on the subject of "money incentives" is, if something is (allegedly) "free", then YOU are the product to be lured into the trap! To the topic "for free" one must say besides naturally "Is that then really everything for free?". Does a state have then at all the possibility to pay something of itself, to produce money or other, or is it not much more in such a way that with the payment it concerns tax money? As you can see, such "gifts", which the state has recently been distributing so "generously" in order to motivate naive people to have insufficiently tested vaccines injected into their bodies and thus become part of a still "globally running test", are never completely free, as they appear to many people in such situations.


Let's go through the 4 phases: first, there were ideologically colored and fictional facts, mixed with a good portion of fear-mongering; second, emotions were used to keep the participants down by means of "emotional blackmail"; in the third phase, the goal was to be achieved through peer pressure; and in phase 4, money incentives or bribery were supposed to break the resistance of the test group.

The only method beside phase 1, with which finally at least small successes could be registered was the lottery with the 5000 euros, all other measures failed miserably! The reason for it is that all sheeple who are arrested in the matrix and believe the media in principle everything without questioning something are already vaccinated! People who bribe themselves and similarly as prostitutes let something go over their body for money what they actually "don't" want are already vaccinated! Lemmings who always follow the herd and thus the asses of others have the vaccination behind them, just like insecure people who let themselves be blackmailed by means of pressure to vaccinate!

Despite many vaccinations, people who are "for" vaccination are not necessarily the majority, because many people have been vaccinated "not" out of conviction, but despite misgivings, in order not to lose their jobs and to be able to continue to provide for their families. During demonstrations in countries such as Italy and Great Britain, vaccinated people burned their "green passports" alongside unvaccinated people out of solidarity because they too are "against" this form of global communism. With each "booster vaccination", without which vaccinated people will regain the status of non-vaccinated people, there will be more people who have had enough and whom we will welcome in our ranks, on this way we who remained after vaccinating the flock of sheep will become more and the supporters of Big Pharma will become less!


Americans in states like Texas and Florida have shown how it is done, Jair Bolsonaro, the president of Brazil, has successfully resisted this whole nonsense of planning, also the peoples of some African countries did not join in, in Europe it was the French who resisted most against useless oxygen-stealing protective masks and insufficiently tested vaccines. In the end, this globally operating regime, together with the pretext it uses to justify its totalitarian measures against dissenters (keyword: Corona), will suffer the same fate as every dictatorship in the history of mankind.

Sooner or later, the greatest fear of the rulers will come true, more and more citizens will lose their fear of the fictional virus and the prevailing "ideology", people will take back their freedom and deal the death blow to the system of vaccination apartness, even if it will still be a long way until we have finally reached the point in history again where a dictatorship is deprived of power, as it has always happened in history in the end with such systems, none of which could hold on permanently and that since mankind exists!


This people never wish anyone good except for the billionaire

 3 years ago 

Unfortunately true and so many people without instinct realize too late who really meant well with them and who did not.