War Production” Screenshot Competition
I submitted this image for a competition.
I've been playing Space engineers for some time now(record shows 2100 hours)
This is the first time ill be lightly participating in one of their events.
The image requirements
Maximum Machinery
There are situations where, simply put, more is better. Expanding facilities wherever and however possible. Quickly reacting whenever bottlenecks occur.
1st place will receive a $100 Steam/Xbox/Zazzle gift card, a copy of Space Engineers Ultimate Edition (PC or Xbox), and 5 skin sets.
2nd place will receive a $50 Steam/Xbox/Zazzle gift card, a copy of Space Engineers Ultimate Edition (PC or Xbox), and 3 skin sets.
3rd place will receive a $25 Steam/Xbox/Zazzle gift card, a copy of Space Engineers Ultimate Edition (PC or Xbox), and 2 skin sets.
I doubt I will get 1st prize or win at all. but it was still fun to design and build.
Do you know a person called Maggie? Good luck with the competition, I hope it goes well.
hey There.. yes but haven't seen her in a while unfortunately.
Oh yeah, that's alright. She hasn't been on steemit for a long while