Art and Creativity: Bird Life in a Seaside Town

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Living in a seaside town also means that we have sea birds everywhere!

Today, I played around a bit with the many many pictures of birds I have accumulated over the years, and chose to share a few favorites here.

Seagulls are everywhere. This one surveys the world from atop a chimney, downtown

A seagull on the beach. Pretty ordinary, but not bad as a painting

Four ducks, somehow swimming in square formation

The Great Blue Herons often settle in the tallest trees...

This version is a little more dramatic!

If you're lucky, you'll get to see sandpipers, working the edge of the beach, looking for tiny shrimp and crustaceans

Another seagull, sitting on a stone bollard by the ferry dock. Yes, it's white because YEARS of gull poop has accumulated there...

All the original photos are my own... and everything you see in this post was created from digital manipulation of photos!

Thanks for stopping by!

(All images are my own)