Perseverance: The Fine Art of "Keeping Going" Even When There is Little Progress

in Account Booster 👍3 years ago

Aside from having been in the art business in various ways since the mid-1980s, I have also personally been an artist for much of that time.


Not much of a successful artist, I might add... just someone who enjoys creating and tries to market the work as best I can.

I have also written about art and the business of art for many years.

One of the things I've learned along the way is that you just have to "keep on keepin' on," even when it seems like no matter what you do, you're not getting anywhere.


We tend to forget that the vast majority of artists ultimately labor in obscurity for the duration of their lives, or at least for the duration of their creative lives as artists.

As a writer, I've also labored most of my life in obscurity. Once in a great while, I've been noticed a little, and usually very briefly.


Bottom line is that I love the art, I love the creative process, and I love writing... and that's why I am part of all three.

Similarly, I'll never be "famous" on Steemit, but I'll still keep going because I enjoy the experience and being part of the community!

Thanks for stopping by!

(All images are my own)