
Thank you for your participation. You are on board.
The only thing missing is your vote for your tip with 4 goals.
Here for 4 :)

Good luck. 🍀


You are the only participant to have guessed the correct result!

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

60% / 1 = 60% for the correct tip

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 60 %

Great, I think this is the first time I have ever guessed the amount of goals in a game, no wait I did guess the score for Turkey-South Korea in 2002, and won something from Radio Korea, but that just means I hit the right score about once every twenty years. Thanks for the opportunity to participate,

You are on board.

Good luck. 🍀

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

40% / 5 = 8% each for all other players

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 8 %

Thank you for your participation. You are on board.

Good luck. 🍀

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

40% / 5 = 8% each for all other players

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 8 %

You will automatically receive the profit share from @du-finanzbot to your wallet when this article is paid out .

🍀 Good luck! 🍀

Thank you… 😉

Thank you for your participation.
Good luck again. 👍

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

40% / 5 = 8% each for all other players

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 8 %

I'll be cautious and bet on one goal.
Good luck for the teams :-) ... and me ;-)

Thank you for your participation. You are on board.
One goal is a smart bet. We will see. :)

Good luck. 🍀

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

40% / 5 = 8% each for all other players

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 8 %

More goals than I thought...
Let's see if they (BVB) can keep that up in their league game. :-)

Thank you for your participation. You are on board.
The only thing missing is your vote for your tip with 3 goals.
Here for 3 :)

The score was 1:3 for Dortmund.
Four goals were scored. Your winning percentage is:
6 participants. One correct tip.

40% / 5 = 8% each for all other players

Thank you very much for your participation!

!finanzbot 8 %


Please read the rules and my message the next time you participate.

Normally you would be disqualified, thank you very much.