WORLD BREASTFEEDING WEEK; 1st to 7th of August

in Steem Geography3 years ago (edited)


Breastfeeding is a very common word in our society, almost everyone both young and old knows what breastfeeding is but most of us do not understand the importance of breastfeeding. Most people belief it's only important for the child and not the mother. In this article I shall be sharing with us the significance of breastfeeding both for the mother and the child.



Before going to the importance of breastfeeding I would like to tell us about the World Breastfeeding Week for the year 2021, the week is between the 1st of August to the 7th of August. This means we are in the World Breastfeeding Week.

World Breastfeeding Week was set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF around 1990. It has been set aside as a time to sensitive the public on the benefits of breastfeeding, how it should be and for how long it should be done. This is a really good initiative from WHO and I am very happy because it can really changed slot of lives and helper many mothers and children.


The importance of breastfeeding for a child cannot be over emphasized. The breast milk helps to build a child's immunity, it lowers the risk of developing allergies, infections and also diseases. The milk is very nutritious and essential for the development of a child.


For the mother, breastfeeding help to reduce the chance of development postpartum depression. This is because breastfeeding brings the mother child close thereby providing an emotional support for the both and mother and child. Breastfeeding creates a connection between the mother and the child, it builds the child's trust in the mother.
Breastfeeding also fastens weight loss, calories are passed out of the mother through the breast milk.


Breastfeeding should last for the first one and half years of the child. For the first six months, the child should be on exclusive breast milk, no other meal not even water. This is necessary to build the child's immunity.


Let's make it a point of duty to always tell people about the importance of breastfeeding both to mother and the child and also how long breastfeeding should last.

I really hoped we learnt from this post. I hope to write more on breastfeeding during this week.



Waooo I never new there was a week for this.

Thanks for sharing.

 3 years ago 

You're welcome

Saludos @favour216
Tengo dos niñas y practiqué la lactancia materna con las dos, tal cual como dices, los primeros 6 meses fue exclusiva, solo leche materna para ellas y fue una experiencia unica, ame esa etapa, amaba saber que podia alimentar a mis niñas y que no necesitaban nada mas!

 3 years ago 

Estoy tan feliz de escuchar esto, buen trabajo