Summer cityscapes

in Photography3 years ago


There is such a popular anecdote about the usual summer weather in St. Petersburg:

  • How did you spend your summer this year?
  • Unfortunately, I worked all day.

This is not about the summer of 2021. This year's summer is sunny and hot. I stayed home in the cool air until the heat of the day was over, and in the evening I decided to take a little walk around the city. I started my walk on the Pryazhka River embankment. It is a shallow river and it is not used for navigation, even small boats do not enter this river. So I was very surprised when I saw the kayak training. Well, perhaps the shallow river is a good choice for a first kayak paddling experience.


I didn't really understand what was going on in this picture, but I decided to capture the moment. It felt like a group of young people decided to use a window or balcony door instead of the usual stairs and apartment front doors to visit someone. The first one to get over the fence was a bicycle - if you look closely you can see its wheels behind the low decorative grille.


This picture came out a little blurry, but the memory wants to be preserved. There was a performance rehearsal in the garden of Bobrinsky Palace. One of the faculties of St. Petersburg University is located in Bobrinsky Palace, and I think it was a rehearsal of the student amateur theater. The passage to the garden was closed, the picture was taken from a distance.


I reached New Holland Island and walked around the grounds a bit. Tennis tables were in demand that evening.


Farther away, behind the Forge building, is the herb garden. This year the paths in the garden were made much wider, last year they were narrow footpaths that only one person could walk on.



Unfortunately, all concerts and other public events in New Holland have been cancelled because of the pandemic, so the stage will be empty in the coming weeks. But the park on the island is still open, and you can use one of the chairs and relax on the beautiful lawn.


SmartphoneXiaomi Redmi 3
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia