A Mega Post Calls for Mega Energy! {Warming Date Shake to Celebrate a Victory}

in Natural Medicine5 years ago

Happy Monday my friends! Like everyone else I know, this time of year has me running around like a maniac trying to fit everything in. Thus far I'm taking it all in stride and just tackling each task as I come to it. Though I will say I'm doing my best to bundle up some of those things to knock out multiple goals in one block of time. Which means I am whipping out one of my mega "let's see how many topics I can cover in one sitting" posts today! Grab a cup of something cozy and settle in for a doozy of a read...


Of course Mondays are always boosted by the fabulous @lenasveganliving's weekly #fruitsandveggiesmonday challenge. My pals at @naturalmedicine also have a few fun contests going on that I really wanted to bring something to share. The first is a partnership with Build-It.io to build or make something that you have never done before. The second is a fun holiday one to share a concoction made with your favorite seasonal plant (12 days of Plants-mas perhaps?) or just some information about one or more. Good thing all three of these fun challenges have some great overlap to be able to work them all together. 😉

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This shouldn't come as a surprise to those who know me well, but the main feature of this post are one of my favorite fruits--Dates! When I was trying to come up with an idea for the Build It challenge, I decided I would use some of my wonderful haul of delicious gems to try to make date sugar at home. I recently got a new batch of two different varieties. The lighter ones above are Halawy and the ones on the right are Black Abbada. I didn't use those for my experiments, but couldn't help but share my new beauties. I still have Golden Zahidi in the freezer from the big order I placed back in August. Those babies last for quite a while, and they came out of the freezer just as good as when they were freshly delivered!


Date sugar is a great replacement for typical packaged sweeteners because it is much less processed, and the nutrients aren't stripped from the original fruit. After consulting some posts here on the trusty internet, it looked like all you really have to do is dehydrate some dates fully and then grind them up into your sugar. This time of year is a fun time to make some healthier treats to still indulge your sweet tooth without sacrificing your health, so I thought it would be great to have some on hand to use in seasonal baking. Luckily I still have a friend's dehydrator to use to dry out my dates.


After running the dehydrator for a few days, I thought my dates were finally dry enough to grind up. I had read that it could take a while, but I didn't realize just how hard it is to extract all the moisture from them. Well, spoiler alert--I failed to do that.


Despite feeling dry to me, there was still enough moisture in my dates that when I tried to grind them up all I got was a sticky mass of fruit. Now I know why date sugar is so expensive! It was definitely not as easy as I thought to make, though perhaps it was the type of date that I used. Not one to let failure stop me in my tracks, I decided to put my sticky wad of dates to use in my next attempt to join a @naturalmedicine challenge.

Hold that thought while I jump in with a brief interlude...


Sunday morning I joined in on my last running race for 2019. My good friend and her boyfriend were also doing the race, so we all bundled up for a chilly 5k first thing in the morning. My last race was wet and temperate, but this one was the perfect seasonal brisk weather. Always a bit chilly at the start, but quite nice once you actually get moving. I had great success at my last race after a tough running year, so I was hoping to capitalize on that momentum and finish out the season on a high note!


My legs did not feel their absolute best and I struggled a little bit to get my usual easy stride going (the work holiday party at the bowling alley the night before might have contributed), but I ran my little tushy off! I knew from the start there were no other ladies ahead of me, so the entire race I just kept pushing as hard as I could to not lose the lead. As I've said before, I always just want to do my best on a given day, but I can't help but have that competitive side come out on occasion to push me to do just that. 😜


I almost tossed my cookies at the finish line, but by golly I was the first woman to cross the line! As if that wasn't enough abundance on its own, I earned my first monetary reward from racing. $80 worth of gift cards to a local restaurant for brunch. That's a lot of oatmeal! Plus a cute little trophy that my niece thought was fantastic. Even better, my pal was the second lady to finish, just 15 or so seconds behind me, and her boyfriend made top 3 in his age bracket. A successful morning for us all.

Which gets me back to my contribution for the holiday challenge. A nice recovery beverage...

When my date sugar went sideways, my brain kicked into gear and thought a great way to use up my beloved dates would be in a date shake! Dates on their own are great for recovery from athletic endeavors with their natural carbohydrates and magnesium, but they're made even more of a powerhouse when paired with some other everyday super foods I keep in the pantry.


Into the blender went about half of my sticky date mixture (probably about 6-7 dates whole). Along with 1 cup of filtered water, 2 small bananas, a tablespoon of hemp hearts, a little nub each of fresh turmeric and ginger (about half the size of your pinky finger), a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon and a good pinch of black pepper. Since it is cold out, I decided to keep the blender going for a few minutes to warm up my shake. So in essence it was almost like a yummy coffee-free latte!


Ginger and cinnamon are on the list for the 12 plants for Christmas in the NatMed challenge, but all the items in my shake worked together to provide some great nutrients for recovery and helping my body naturally fight the inflammation related to the hard run. The black pepper and healthy fats from the hemp hearts help with the absorption of the circumin from the turmeric. The ginger is always a good bet not only to help with the inflammation, but it is also reported to help with the soreness associated with activity. It added a nice hit of spicy heat to the beverage, as well!


The banana helped add the sweetness and a creamy texture along with potassium to further assist my recovery. All together it was a delicious treat! A great way to turn a failure into a big WIN in the kitchen. I'll definitely be making this concoction again soon. As someone who works out regularly, anti-inflammatory foods always feature on my meal plan. Even better when it tastes this good.

Phew, I might need one of those to recover from this post for sure! I hope you made it to the end with me without needing a refill of your own beverage. Cheers once again to a healthy holiday season and finishing out 2019 on a high note all around!


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Yummy!!! Those dates look amazing and wow what a great drink. You go girl on your race:) can't believe it's almost 2020 💓

Where did 2019 disappear to? Really is crazy how quickly each year seems to fly by, but doubly crazy to think it's this far into the "future". I remember thinking how far away 2020 seemed only just a few years ago. I hope you are ending the year well yourself! 💚

I just finished my herbal tea, lol. Which is funny, because I don't drink tea often, but I am drinking now because I have slight cough a you are writing about hot beverage. Although, that smoothie of yours looks and sounds much more appealing than my tea, lol. However, I must try that date sugar. I found it on Amazon for $18.99. It is pretty expensive, but I don't use it that often, only for recipes. The only problem is that sometimes I need pure white and that's why I am using Xylitol. But my friend @janton told me about Monk Fruit Sweetener, which is white, so I am going to try it: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/monk-fruit-sweetener

Besides, congratulations to your trophy a STAR!!! So beautiful. Well done Katie ⭐😍⭐


Hope that cough doesn't linger long! This year has been brutal as usual for everyone I know getting a little something by way of those naughty germs. A warm beverage definitely helps you feel better regardless! I was originally going to keep this cool, but then remembered that using the Vitamix you can just let it run a little longer and warm things up. It was a true treat! I have seen the monk fruit sweetener before, but haven't tried it yet. I'll have to give it a go when I do. I often use dates in recipes to sweeten them, but sometimes you just need a dry ingredient in a recipe and not a wet fruit or paste. These dates are so good I didn't want to let any go to waste, so I was happy to re-purpose them into something so yummy. Ok, back to my recap post for the last month...trying to maybe get it out today instead of tomorrow if I can manage it. ;)

Oh Katie, it got worse! I had terrible night! I am still drinking that herbal tea, lol.

Anyway, I wish I had Vitamix, but I have only Ninja which is great for most things, but except warming up. And yes, I love dates too and I use them for all my raw desserts. Those are the best and healthiest, but I also like to recreate traditional pastry and make it healthier.

By the way, as I wrote in the email, don't stress yourself over the recap. It can wait after the Christmas. But I leave it up to you 😍

Oh no, sorry you are still not feeling too great! I hope it doesn't get any worse. Especially if you're spending time with the boys today!

Thank you Katie! It was a fun day, but I barely survived, lol. Luckily I am not getting worse and today I am relaxing 😊☕

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To prove I burned some LOTUS for the contest requirements @riverflows. :)

looks yummy and congrats on the race @plantstoplanks

Thanks @lordcarlo297! Hope you are enjoying success with your running, as well!

Wow, great healthy drinks!👍Feeling want to make it later. 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks! I hope you give it a try. It's delicious!

This is a super dee dooper fantastic post! Somebody is resourceful, very. Nice work. I love that your date sugar was a semi-fail and you told us all about it, then turned it around to a triumph.

Thanks @owasco! Those dates are too delicious not to put to use, even once stuck together in a big chunky mass, haha. Just one of those reminders that you can always turn a failure around if you put the right spin on it. ;)

I am glad that was a great run for you - especially after having been so under the weather. Congratulations on the win....

Reading your post about date sugar: is there a difference between palm sugar and date sugar? I do wonder. I do also know that palm suger is about 1,000x (and you know I don't exaggerate :P) sweeter than commercial, refined sugar. As is honey. You'be got me thinking.

On the dehydration thing: I've done my own sundried tomatoes - in the sun (ahem) - and I know how long that takes. The oven - even on its lowest setting - just doesn't work the same way.

Finally (and this comment is almost as long as your post...ahem...), that drink sounds fantastic - both delicious and nutritious. I do hope you made a note of the ratios to be able to make it again. Oh, and I love that first photograph of it where it's reflected in the rainy window behind....


So after looking (because you learn something new every single day), palm sugar generally refers to coconut palm and they use the sap to make it. But it can also come from date palms or other varieties, but regardless it is made from the sap from either the flowers or the tree itself. Which means date sugar is slightly different as it is made from the actual date fruit.

Interesting when you really start reading all about it! I bet those tomatoes were amazing. I think it's about time I finally return the dehydrator I've been "borrowing" since August, or just need to offer up some cash to just keep it, haha. It has come in handy, and I would imagine uses less energy than turning in the oven to try to dry things. Plus my oven doesn't go down as low in temps as the dehydrator.

I may not try the date sugar again too soon, but I know I'll enjoy another of these shakes in the next few days. I just finished shelling about 2.5 pounds of pecans so they're ready for some more homemade holiday goodies for my latest round in the kitchen...

How are your fingers after shelling all those pecans?

As I asked the question, it did occur to me that it was sugar from sap. I should have engaged my brain! That said, I'm sure there's no reason you couldn't use the whole date(s) in that drink?

Yes, those tomatoes were amazing. Our crop is coming in thick and fast now and we're The Husband is managing to pick them ahead of the guinea fowl's destroying them. As we speak, he's off at the nursery to fill beds that have just been "emptied"....

If I had more space, I might well look at a dehydrator. I've been thinking about zuccini. Somewhere I have a recipe for a salad that includes zucchini that are dry grilled/charred and I was thinking that if they were dehydrated, that might also work. You got me thinking. We have zuccini coming... Oh, and the sweetcorn are tasseling.... :D

#jealous ;)

I still have some shell stuck underneath my fingernails I think. Though I can't complain as they were already cracked, so it was a much easier go than if I had to crack them all first! A tedious venture, but worth it for those deliciously fresh treats inside!

I would totally make this again with whole dates. That's the benefit of having finally invested in a good quality blender--that thing can whiz up just about anything! I always have some of those little beauties on hand, though I probably most often enjoy them as is. Such a wonderful little fruit they are!

I love dates, too. My dad did, also. I remember one year getting him a box for Christmas - still on the stalks and with a little fork in the box. I could eat an entire box, myself, if it weren't for their being just sooo sweet!

Coincidentally, I bought my mom a box this year! She loved the Barhi variety I got last time, and luckily they just harvested their 2019 crop so I ordered one for her this time around. That is probably the good thing about them--I adore them, but they are sweet enough to keep me from overeating, too. ;)

I have a friend who works for a company that exports dates.... Let me just say: I don't see her often enough during harvest :P