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RE: Health goals for early 2020 (and beyond?)

It's really quite simple to lose a bit of weight. I've done this several times - just cutting out beer and junk food, eating 3 reasonable meals a day and exercising every day is enough to lose about 3-4lbs a week. As long as you don't let yourself go too much which I'm sure you haven't done then 1-2 months is usually enough to reign it back in.

I find that it takes about 3 weeks of no beer, no junk food before you start looking any different, conversely I also find that after a period of health you've got about 3 weeks grace in which you can binge like a lunatic and still be able to see your abs.

I guess the body's slow to adapt.

I've used fitness blender before - it's a great resource! I'll check that out, I'm after a glute work-out for the running.


I find it amazing how just a week or two off beer makes all the difference! I don't know why I'm amazed by this fact - it's not as if I haven't experimented with that before! But it definitely makes me want to steer clear of it! - @riverflows, who is looking forward to a good pint of British ale.

Yes it is and I'm sure I could if I wanted. I'd rather just replace the beer fat with a bit of muscle and have no idea what I weigh. Three weeks sounds about right to start noticing a change, I had targeted end of Jan for the next mirror flyby :)

Let me know how you get on with the vid, I got someone else to try it and they are a bit sore today!