Sailing the Funk


It’s funk season and I don’t mean the James Brown variety. It’s sticky and slimy out there right now, people are giving their attention and energy to some really unpleasant thought forms. In fact this is nothing new. We’ve been feeding our collection conscious with dreams of a zombie apocalypse and countless other end-of-the-world scenarios, as well as many “new world” scenarios.

It’s important to understand that nothing ever happens exactly according to prophecy or prediction. It may rhyme, but it will never be a perfect reflection because there are always too many parts involved and none of us can see all of them.

It’s more important to remember that focus is everything and that every moment is THE moment. What happens tomorrow is not of much concern. It will happen as a result of where our focus is right NOW.

You may be out in the country, staying indoors or enjoying a private view of the trees 🌲. In that case, you have a nice tuning fork right in front of you and just need not get sucked into the drama on the screen.

In the case of those like myself, however in the middle of a city that doesn’t really know what it’s doing right now except freaking the fuck out, there is a bit more craft required in staying sane.

This is all just an emotional exercise. Do we keep our cool and make good decisions or do we freak out and let our lives fall apart, the way everything around us SEEMS to be falling apart. Are we giving and do we help each other get through turbulence or do we lock our hearts off from the world and falsely believe that this is the end or that we will be ok if we just think about ourselves and no one else?

I know you all know the answer.

This is a passing moment, so we might as well enjoy it. There is no reason to repeat conversations that make you feel negative and don’t inform you about much. We all know what’s up, at least to whatever extent we can possibly know what’s up, so let’s just go with it and spend our energy continuing to work towards something positive.

This isn’t just about what’s happening in the world at large but also in our personal lives and in this community.

I’m putting together a podcast and video series called “Self Help for Trolls”. This is something I’ve thought about for a while but now seems like an opportune moment since I have more time than usual. Hope you have a listen or a watch.



Hear hear!

In the case of those like myself, however in the middle of a city that doesn’t really know what it’s doing right now except freaking the fuck out, there is a bit more craft required in staying sane.

That's exactly where I'm located these days and whether's it's all part of a bigger plan or not, I'm up for it. I'm willing to learn, to be flexible and to go with the flow, without just blindly following the herd.

Take care my friend and stay sane in these insane times. Meanwhile I will make sure to do the same.

But the end of all things has drawn near. Therefore be sober-minded and be sober unto prayers.(1 Peter 4:7)

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