Fight Club Movie Review, my favorite movie of all times.

in LifeStyle4 years ago


Talking about Fight Club is a big task for me, it is a great movie that changes the lives of most of the people who get to see it, like a Mike Tyson punch. It is one of my favorite movies, which is categorized by the internet as a cult movie for its exquisite script and anti-establishment.

Edward is a 30 year old guy who suffers from insomnia, tired of his boring and normal life, full of materialism for unnecessary and meaningless things, alone without any partner or relationships, where he suffers extreme work stress. One day he decides to go to a building where focus groups meet for talks and self-help conferences. There are some interesting workshops such as "cure your repression in 30 days", "my hepatitis group", "smiling at testicular cancer", among others.


After almost a year of attending these workshops, Edward apparently cures his insomnia, realizing that other people are more fucked up than he is, and... sharing his sadness with other people. There he meets Marla Singer, a woman who also attends support groups, without having any problem, basically it is a woman version Edward, has done the same as him to feel more confident and live more than the poor devils who go to these talks.


After seeing Marla so much in these meetings, she regains her insomnia and has a very bad time, her cheating facade in which she lied about having hepatitis and not having testicles is over.

Edward: "With insomnia, nothing is real"

In one of his business trips he meets Tyler Durden, played by the actor Brad Pitt (excellent work of him in this movie), after this Edward's whole life would change dramatically.

Tyler Durden is a charismatic soap salesman and total flirt, with a domineering character, an incredible physique and strange tastes in clothes. We could say that he is an anarchist, carefree and very proud to be human, his ultimate dream is to destroy capitalism and all modern creations such as big business, which according to Tyler, have damaged the essence of man.


Edward and Tyler become friends during the flight, and upon arrival at their destination, Tyler offers him his contact card.

While Edward was on a business trip, when he gets off the plane and arrives at his apartment, he finds a great tragedy: His apartment is on fire, apparently due to a gas leak. Edward has nowhere to go, he is homeless, however, he remembers the contact card of Tyler, the soap salesman he met on the plane. Edward calls him from a pay phone, telling him of his tragedy, and they decide to meet at a bar. From this bar scene come some of the best cult scenes in the history of cinema.

Tyler Durden: "The things you own, end up owning you" a clear criticism of Edward's consumerism.

In this bar scene, Edward (in white shirt) tells Tyler (red jacket) about what he lost in his apartment fire.

As they leave the bar, Tyler proposes a fight to Edward, it wasn't a fight out of anger, but Tyler liked to fight and feel physical pain, which he said made him stronger. They both fight and like the feeling of releasing stress by fighting. Edward moves in with Tyler in a huge, abandoned, dilapidated house.


They decide, under the bar, in the subway, to make a club of men who are encouraged to fight each other, obviously in a "friendly" way and without rancor at the end of the fight. The fight club is a success, and gathers dozens of men ready to fight. I believe that the success of the club lies in the fact that, during the night at the club, the men are able to eliminate their deepest stresses and frustrations, and acquire a strange feeling of well-being.


Then it gets really weird because they start doing masculinity challenges, to see who is the craziest to do things, to do whatever they want, to randomly punch someone in the street, to steal satellite TV antennas, total madness, they are all unhinged and they form a kind of cult where they believe whatever nonsense Tyler says and repeat it.

For example there is a scene where a fat guy with boobs dies and his real name is Robert Paulson, Edward amazed sees him lying on the stretcher and recites his name, to which the others begin to copy it and say the name all out loud, and from that moment on anyone who dies they call him Robert Paulson, already at this point everyone is brainwashed.

"The first rule of fight club is: don't talk about fight club" - Tyler Durden.

At the end of the film we discover that Tyler Durden (Pitt) is a figment of Edward's imagination, due to his schizophrenia. He is his alter ego, the person Edward would want to be if he had the courage to break free from the everyday and the mundane, leave his job and material possessions and pursue what he truly longs for. It was he himself who blew up his luxury apartment full of designer clothes, acting as Tyler.

The most important and profound teaching in Fight Club occurs when Tyler decides to teach Edward a life lesson. In this scene, Tyler states that we are all going to die, and we should not fear death, just know, we are going to die, and as this is going to end, you are living your life and it is draining every second.

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