
in LifeStyle4 years ago


Gluttony, greed, lust, laziness, pride, jealousy and revenge have a kind of religious moral admonishment.

The strict criminal logic of criminals is the clue of this film.From the perspective of the former five crimes, criminals have no fault, at least they are acting for heaven. To say wrong is also the fault of the society, and the final "jealousy" and "revenge" are the controversial points in this film: in the eyes of criminals, David's shooting himself is the completion of redemption. If the final link is not completed, then the similar cycle cannot be repeated by others. From this perspective, the criminal is innocent,In the view of David and some audiences, criminals can't kill innocent lives for any reason. In particular, Tracy, who is pregnant, can't be accepted in any way.In this way, an unsolvable contradiction arises. Legally, a criminal killed a person, but ethically, he was right. He killed Tracy in order to fulfill his mission (of course, I don't mean killing for a life, and "jealousy" is not a crime).


Ah, it's a good BT problem.

Turn to other people's comments to answer this question:

Imagination or destiny


The English name of the film has only one striking and shocking word - "seven". It is a mysterious number in religion, which is fully reflected in the Old Testament.God made Adam in seven days and took out Adam's seventh rib and made Eve.The original body of Satan is a fire dragon with seven heads. There are seven fallen angels in the world, known as Satan.After the 16th century, Catholicism more directly used the image of Satan's seven demons to represent the seven evils -- arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, and lust.

In the movie, seven crimes, seven punishments, seven rains, the story takes place in seven days, and even the end is set by the criminal at 7:00 p.m. on the seventh day, the ubiquitous "7" implies that the audience: it is a fatalistic crime and punishment.In this case, the tragedy of fate must belong to the human world. "God" as the "giver" and "spectator" participated in the whole event.The cold-blooded killer came to the world as a preacher and finally died as a martyr.From a certain point of view, there is no distinction between good and evil in tragedy. As a tiny human being, we can only accept the judgment of fate.


If we look at the seven crimes separately, each one does not constitute a death penalty (God only tells us that those who commit these seven crimes will go to hell, emphasizing punishment after death rather than worldly punishment).So the seven penalties imposed by the killer in the movie, after careful analysis, seem to follow the rules: he doesn't kill directly.The fat man was forced to eat too much and burst his blood vessels to die. the lawyer cut off his own flesh - only a pound, not much and not much. the drug dealer was found alive. the prostitute was directly killed by the clients. the model only had her nose cut off because she was too proud to call the police, so she bled too much.The murderer claimed to have committed the crime of "jealousy", but jealousy itself does not constitute a crime. Only when he killed innocent Tracy, did he become the target of mills' fury.

According to this idea, the murderer was completely guided by the "Lord" to correct the world.In fact, there is a trap.The ten commandments of the Bible say, "do not call the name of the LORD your God in vain."That is to say, there is only one holy Lord, and no mortal can preach in his name.As long as we grasp this point correctly, the murderer's position will not be tenable, and "fatalism" will disappear.William has actually found the loophole.On the seventh day (sunny Sunday), when three people were in the car, William asked John whether he thought he was doing things for God, but John could not answer positively. He only said that "God's actions are mysterious". Only this is enough, because only man can create the image of heaven and hell, and there is a saying that "through seven layers of death penalty, so that heaven can be on earth"!

Where is the fatalistic sin?It's all human imagination.


Modern civilization has resulted in some areas of human "lack" and a certain degree of "degradation", but is it as dark as the film shows?William quoted Hemingway as saying: the world is a fine place, and world fighting for.I agree with the second part。Suppose William's proposition holds true: it is because the world is unhappy that it is worth fighting for.

And I believe that whether it is beautiful or ugly, it is worth fighting for a more harmonious world, and this is the meaning of life.


There are some errors in the film and even in the writing, God should not write it, but ALLAH and you can know the truth of all this in the Holy Qur’an and the Islamic religion because it is a detail of this worldly life without dispute and without deception of minds and hearts. After death there is paradise and fire so we should not be lost, but we must fight And we are working to enter Heaven

sorry, my english is not good, so hope you don't mind, thanks!

gave me more insight about the movie, thanks @everythingelse