Why do we have to calm down?

in LifeStyle4 years ago (edited)


Patience and calm are closely related, usually people who have had patience that has been tested.

Calmness will come from an attitude of patience and an attitude of gratitude, to be able to be patient for some people may be said to be difficult, but there are also people who have had a patient character since they were born.

Whatever the situation, everyone needs to always be able to stay calm, especially when having problems or when making a very important decision.

The characteristics of a patient and calm person, he does not panic, does not worry, is not emotional or so, decisions taken by being calm are usually more appropriate than those who take those decisions in a hasty manner.

Besides that, a calm attitude also makes people able to solve the problems they face better.

People who have patience and calm will appear to have more authority or charisma that is reflected in him.

In the environment he is usually liked by his friends, because his attitude can make other people around him relax, because calm is contagious, on the other hand, people who are always in a hurry and are over acting, many of his charismatic dramas will not be reflected in him.
many people who become uncomfortable with him.

If you want to be a good leader, this patient and calm attitude must be had, so that everyone you lead can be more relaxed, understand what you want and can respect us more.


Don't let excessive emotions get to you so that we are unable to control our feelings and behavior.

Don't get me wrong, the word calm, calm is very different from the word slow, precisely with patience and calm the decisions taken will be more focused so that it can accelerate the achievement of a goal.

In addition, a person's calm attitude is more focused in carrying out all his activities, energy is an attitude to be able to control oneself so as not to overdo it but according to the dose, so that it can show a positive impact on oneself and on the environment.

lautze says:Calmness is the source of strength, a person who has great power if he is able to sit down and think calmly to face all his problems.

The calmness that is owned will always be able to solve every problem appropriately, in contrast to people who panic and are in a hurry, they will easily get confused in solving the problems they face, even though they make decisions that are not necessarily right because they are not thought out carefully and are less calm.

My life is beautiful so we need to enjoy it, have to be able to be calm, calm ourselves will also prevent ourselves from problems because we also have the ability to control attitudes and speech.

Abu ahmad al ghazali says:
Confront your friends and enemies with a face that shows joy, a willingness full of politeness and calm.
Do not show an arrogant and arrogant attitude, when you are able to be calm you will be able to hear your inner voice and feel God's grace and greatness, to always remember him and laugh at him.

Thoughts about will allow you to control your body well.

For a moment to stop when you are tired of all kinds of routines, giving time to calm down, behave well and be yourself is a successful way to get peace of life.

We will get peace when we are able to free ourselves from all kinds of worries.

Be like an iceberg in the ocean that is visible only at its small tip, while beneath the ocean the giant part is kept tightly.

Be like an ocean in silence, it is amazing without needing to explain how great it is.

calm, be calm like a rock, because the problems we face are like waves, because calm will be born strength.

Thank you