Les choristes

in LifeStyle4 years ago


Les Choristes, the name of which is translated so skillfully that it can only be read with a kind smile.Simple and fluent film, even the color is very saving, full of saturation is very close to the gray, let the eyes keep the strength, help the corners of the mouth show happiness or sadness.


A sincere film can always hold you firmly. After more than 100 minutes of sound and color, the soul will return to itself. You can judge and comment on it. However, it stands aloof and stands by, indifferent to everything.Angry roar, moved tears, vent and clean up are in front of the screen of their own, seemingly no beginning and end of the cycle, catalyst is the film.At this time, I ruminated over that 100 minutes.There are no attractive actors, no fancy stunts, a few childish "problem" children, a teacher who has been bald, plus clean and simple music, trickling stories, can not lead to fierce crying and laughing, clumsily file the edges and corners gentlyClement Mathew, a music loving country teacher, was appointed to a reeducation school - a troubled student shelter known as "the bottom of the pond," full of chaos and irritability.The headmasters and teachers here are gloomy, their faces are full of dull lines, and abusive and corporal punishment are the only communication between teachers and students.The lovely new supervisor watched the student pranks one after another, until one day he happened to find his beautiful voice.Naturally, rare resonance, singing children's eyes to restore clear and clean, teachers and students in the fun of the staff learned to understand, tolerance and love.


It's a broad theme, but the shift from depression to positivity is not something I can't do.The chorus clips in Ann's dorm are replayed repeatedly. The boy's eyes are moving with gratitude. When Matthew leaves the office, the paper plane full of children's childish fonts and deep yearning is flying in the window. Old photos are like those turned yellow by time.They should thank each other. The children helped Matthew usher in the "spring of their own creation", and expected to let him harvest the sense of achievement to see their changes. The children should thank such a bole, dig out the beautiful song, and have a brand-new self more beautiful than the song.Music is indeed indispensable, simple ups and downs have made dramatic changes.If Matthew were to be a painter, a ball player or something else, the children would be beautiful. Love is the most fundamental language.Or appeared before or generated in cooperation, gradually become rely on trust, the color seems to be fresh.


The achievement in the film always makes people moved, because of the barrenness in the reality, so let me here thirsty, enjoy the endless chatter.When writing this text, always playing movie music, or will easily fall into the chorus like the sounds of nature, a simple joy, intoxicated them, and how many times intoxicated themselves.