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RE: Traced

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱ5 months ago

Heh, don't call the police just yet! Every blue moon or so I go through this thing of mine and transform into the laziest person alive, but rest assured I always bounce back eventually. I'm getting exceedingly better at it, too.

I've been painting a little. Nothing worth bragging about, just me stalling while I'm avoiding my writer's block.

 5 months ago 

Don't call the police huh...

...I thought so. Well, you are in time to scribble a ball. You can make a tiny one like I did (hurts the eyes).

Good to see you back and bragging or not show it, please. I see it tomoorow. 😁


P. S. What writer's block?

Writer's block is when you want to write but can't, or won't. It's related to this concept Steven Pressfield calls resistance. It's like when you're avoiding an assignment and the long you avoid it the harder it becomes for you to sit down and face it. Resistance is accumulative.

 5 months ago 

I know what it is and it is can't not the won't because you are lazy. That's why the freewriters have the daily prompt.


 5 months ago (edited)

I don't think it's strictly either or. It's a paradox proportionally related to the importance of whatever needs doing. The more urgent it is the more lethargic I'll feel.

 5 months ago 

You mean the pressure is hard to deal with?

 5 months ago (edited)

It's more about my own expectations and getting overly ambitious. Like I come up with an idea and get sidetracked drawing mindmaps or whatever, which in turn either leads to new ideas or me obsessing about the technicalities of properly arranging the format. Before you know it I'm stapling a bunch of transparent envelopes to a piece of cardboard I tore from an old file folder. Fast forward to me sitting on top of a heap of crumpled mindmaps wondering about office supplies and what I was trying to do in the first place. Then I usually I just end up doing something else instead.

 5 months ago 

That sounds familiar 🤣
