(Comment) Contest: Drawing/Painting in a Different Way

Did you ever paint in the dark or with your eyes closed?
Perhaps you are the one who tried to paint with your mouth or foot. If this isn't the case you might give it a try (it's fine if you make a drawing with a pen, pencil or sponge instead.) There's no need to buy paint if you don't have it.

To show you what drawing/painting in a different way looks like and why drawing with your eyes closed is worth the try three video are added underneath.

What is asked

You have the next options:

  1. Leave a comment with a drawing/painting made with your eyes shut and show/explain how you did it.
  2. Make a drawing/painting with your mouth, foot or... and share it plus your experience in the comment section.
  3. Make a post( in this community) where you show your piece of art and describe what you did/experienced. Leave the link to your post + the picture in the comment section.


#1 3 UFV + 3 Steem
#2 3 UVF
#3 3 UVF

Grant Sharman broke his neck playing rugby, he became a mouth painter. If you watch the video you'll see his first painting and how he improved (if you ask me that very first isn't bad at all).


Gijs Frieling (Dutch) his paintings cover entire walls. In the next video you can see him (and others) at work. @cryptopie do you like this?

Let's have a look at the video of Sketching Skool. I like this teacher (Danny Gregory) but have to admit that I just like one of the commenters could easily fall asleep if I hear this calming voice.
Explained is how and why you should paint with your eyes closed.


I painted this picture using my mouth. I had never tried doing this before. I thought it would be difficult, but now I believe it’s not so much difficult as it is very time-consuming. I spent three hours painting this, whereas if I had used my hands, I think I could have finished it within an hour. It was very hard for me to make precise brushstrokes, which is evident in the painting. I had to correct my mistakes multiple times, which led to some frustration.

It also didn’t help that my mouth hurt from holding the brush continuously, so I had to take breaks. Now, I can imagine just how much willpower people who paint this way must have. Of course, I understand that anything can be learned with practice, but how many paintings, failures, and frustrations must one go through to paint as skillfully as Grant Sharman?

I believe that all blind artists or those painting with their mouths or feet send us an incredible message: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Despite any adversity, we should continue pursuing our passions or seek out new ones. It’s up to us to decide what we can and cannot do, and often, we are the ones who limit ourselves the most.

مجھے اپ کی پینٹنگ دیکھ کے بہت زیادہ حیرانی ہو رہی ہے ۔کیونکہ وہ کام جو انسان نے کبھی نہ کیا ہو وہ جب پہلی دفعہ کرے تو نہ صرف مشکلات کا شکار ہوتا ہے بلکہ وہ کام اس سے نہیں ہو پاتا سوائے اڑھی ترچھی لائنیں لگنے کے ۔ڈرائنگ بنانا تو بہت مشکل ترین کام ہے، میرے خیال میں ناممکن کام ہے۔ کیونکہ جب ہم برش یا پینسل پکڑ کے منہ کاغذ کے پاس لے کے جائیں تو ہماری انکھیں ہمارے کاغذ سے دور ہو جاتی ہیں، جس کی بنا پر ہمیں نہیں پتہ چلتا کہ ہم کہاں پہ لائن لگا رہے ہیں۔ یا ہمارا برش کہاں اسٹروک دے رہا ہے۔ ایک ارٹسٹ کو بے شک انکھیں بند کر کے اپ کوئی چیز بنانے کے لیے دیں گے تو وہ بہترین بنا سکتا ہے۔ مگر جو کام ہاتھ سے انجام دینے کی عادت اس کو تھی وہ کام اگر منہ سے کرنے کو کہا جائے تو سوائے نقصان کے کچھ ہاتھ نہیں اتا اور ہاتھ خالی رہ جاتے ہیں۔

I will try it and now you mention it I wonder if there's a trick to hold that pencil or put something around the part you put in your mouth.

Did you make a sketch first?

Even for 3 hours this is fast. My compliments. The upvote is deserved!


I didn’t make a sketch. I tried to replicate my favorite spring flower, Viola odorata. It resembles it a bit, but it’s still far from perfect. I used my teeth to hold the brush more steadily, but that didn’t prevent me from going outside the lines.

Now, I think that when you’re painting near lines, the brush shouldn’t be too stiff, and it’s also very important not to hold it at a fixed right angle. Instead, you should adjust the angle based on the specific part of the painting you’re working on.

I will try it but I have to find some paint first or see if I can make it better. It suffered from the cold and it's nearly impossible to use it now. It makes sense that the pensil shouldn't be too stiff which also is only possible if the paint cooperates.

Since you were the only one who joined. You won. Congratulations and thank you for giving it a try.

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Thank you 😊

میں اپ کی بات سے پوری طرح متفق ہوں۔ کیونکہ جو لوگوں جن لوگوں کو منہ سے پینٹنگ کرنے اور لکھنے کی عادت ہو جو کسی معذوری کا شکار ہوں اور مجبورا ان کو منہ اور ہاتھ منہ کو استعمال کر کے اپنی ڈرائنگز بنانے پڑیں تو ان کی بات اور ہوتی ہے۔ کیونکہ وہ شروع سے پریکٹس میں ہوتے ہیں ۔جبکہ ہم نارمل لوگ الحمدللہ، جو کہ کسی معذوری اور بیماری سے بچے ہوئے ہیں۔ وہ جب منہ سے پکڑ کر برش یا پینسل، کام شروع کریں، تو وہ کام بہترین نہیں ہو سکتا ۔کیونکہ جس چیز کی بندے کو عادت ہو وہی کام وہ بہترین طریقے سے کر سکتا ہے ۔میرے خیال میں بہترین تو ایک بڑا لفظ ہے اگر ہم اس کو یہ کہیں کہ مکمل ہی نہیں ہو سکتا تو زیادہ صحیح ہوگا۔

 3 months ago (edited)

شکریہ آپ کے تبصروں کے لئے۔ میں اس کی قدر کرتا ہوں۔

I tried the blind thing, but it turned out so ridiculous that I don’t even want to post it. It looks like a 3-year-old could have done better, even with their eyes closed. 🥲

You can try again and use your fingers!

I like to ask if it was a Picasso. I read that remark as the "skool" showed how to make a "feeling". I believe that is how it all started.

I can try again but I don't think it would be a wonderful sight...

Take your time and you can mention me. I will too.

I've been doing a lot of sketches of birds lately and I figured maybe I can pull it off with my eyes closed.

However, this looks like a grandma bird or perhaps a kiwi? It's worth a try to say the least...


@alexanderkass thanks for the support 😅

That is not bad at all with your eyes closed 🤩 who cares about the species we can see it's a bird. Did you use your other hand to stay a bit in the same region, any tricks?

How about the eye?

I transfer the 2nd prize to you. Congratulations with your party bird 🥳

3 UVF are transferred to you! Thanks for the try.

I did use my other hand in my previous tries but I thought it would be cheating so nah...😄

I first drew the eyes because that would be my basis as to how big the head will be and I ended with the beak. The rest is muscle memory? 😅

Thank you for the prize! Grandma bird for the win!

You've got a free upvote from witness fuli.
Peace & Love!

The winner of the last Comment Art Contest topic "bodypainting is @jiva34.

4 UVF is transferred.

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prize paid by @ wakeupkitty.pal

 3 months ago 

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Thank you very much it is appreciated.

Except @serdak no one joined this contest so no need to think who won.

3 UVF and 3 Steem are transferred. Congratulations and pity for @tezzmax @krucekoncept.

Guys you never draw with your eyes on the topic or a few seconds/minutes closed?

Congratulations to @serdak. The artwork was truly exceptional. It is an Interesting challenge I’ll be so eager to take on in my free time cause I believe it is yet another means of tapping into one’s subconscious mind and unlocking new experience.

Apologies for not being able to participate in the contest as I was busy working on some new piece I’m looking to share sometime soon and also a contest uploaded by @tezzmax

I’ll mention you when I create something in regards to the theme of the contest.

Congratulations to @serdak. So sorry, it totally skipped my mind eventually.