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RE: A Few Thoughts Away - (Force Painting).

in ᴀʀᴛ & ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛꜱlast month

I love it, especially the earrings!

Although you used colour it still looks a bit dark (because of the scribble?). I also wonder if you make drawings where people laugh.


Your keen observation skills are truly commendable!

You picked up on details that I would have had to zoom in on to notice. No wonder, women are known for their sharp eye for jewelry 😊

 last month 

Actually, it wasn't the first I saw (the earring) and if I have a sharp I for jewellery? But thanks for the compliment. LOL
I told my children lately I believe something is wrong with my eyes. I can see certain details on pictures/paintings but in real life it's different which also shows if I draw or paint myself. For some reason I close my eyes. Feeling is easier.

Lol... True that!

Lol.... Sure I'll be sharing more of people with happy expressions soon. I'm gald you love it. Thank you.