Accomplished the pathway of 9×🐬

in Incredible India3 months ago

As we approach the end of 2024, with only thirteen days remaining, I reflect on my efforts over the past two years to embody the qualities associated with orcas.

It is essential to recognize that in collaborative endeavours,
we must consider the collective;
rather than solely our interests. It has become evident that many participants in this community prioritize their self-gain, often neglecting to distribute any portion of their rewards from their accounts aside from sharing with designated beneficiaries.

In my capacity as a Stakeholder Representative (SR),
as a community founder, I have made it a priority to foster collaboration
and to depict my appreciation for our fellow Steemians by providing them with rewards, irrespective of their geographic origin.

before power up my wallet
  • I never skipped posts!
  • I never power down as of now!
  • I always maintain the criteria set by the steemit team.

I have self-satisfaction because I can't think only about myself while working on this platform;
I always try to stay beside those who are in need!

I am pleased to announce that I have accomplished the journey of the ninth dolphin, and I express my gratitude for all that the Almighty has provided during these four years and five months.

Today the screenshot has been taken during power up steem

While many individuals have advanced rapidly upon joining my efforts, I firmly believe that joy is a sentiment that amplifies when shared with others. I am appreciative that my work received recognition;
At least once a week, which accentuates my accomplishments weekly.
Besides that, all my expenses depend on steem;
that's another weakness for which I can't power up all my steem after distributing rewards!

To reach the another milestone!

I am truly grateful for the chance to work in curation, as it allows me to manage my expenses effectively while also powering up Steem every week.

A heartfelt thank you to the Steemit team;
and my incredible colleagues who have stood by me and believed in my content.

Reached the path of the ninth dolphin 🐬 after powering up

It’s especially touching that some friends support my work even without understanding my native language.

This shows our shared love for our mother tongues and the importance of celebrating and recognizing them. Together, let's embrace our languages and make them shine!

At least before welcoming the new year, I conducted another milestone!
Let's see what the new year brings for me! But I will give my level best just like I have given for more than four years!
Yes, that's me! I never compromise with discipline and honesty.
The almighty knows that very well!
For those who start working, I would only recommend the same for them.



 3 months ago 
  • ম্যাম প্রথমেই আপনাকে অনেক শুভেচ্ছা জানাই, এই দীর্ঘ পথ অতিক্রম করার জন্য। এই দীর্ঘ পথ অতিক্রম করার জন্য আপনি কতটা নিষ্ঠা, সততা ও একাগ্রতার সাথে আপনি কাজ করেছেন, তার সাক্ষী আমি নিজে।

  • নিজের শারীরিক, মানসিক সমস্ত সমস্যাকে উপেক্ষা করে নিয়মিতভাবে এই প্লাটফর্মে আপনি আপনার সর্বস্ব দিয়েছেন, এ বিষয়ে হয়তো অনেকেই জানেন। তবে এখান থেকে আপনি বিনিময়ে কত কিছু সহ্য করেছেন, সেগুলো হয়তো আমি ছাড়া অন্য কেউ জানে না। আর এই কারণেই আপনার প্রতি আমার সম্মান প্রতিদিন আরও বেড়ে যায়।

  • ব্যক্তিগত জীবনের বাইরেও কাজের জগতে আপনার সাথে থাকতে পেরে আমি সত্যিই ধন্য।আমি জানি আপনার ধৈর্য্য, সহ্য এবং একাগ্রতা আমার মধ্যে নেই, তবে আমি এটা রপ্ত করতে চাই। আর সেই চাওয়াতেই আমিও চেষ্টা করি ব্যক্তিগত পরিসরের সমস্ত পরিস্থিতি উপেক্ষা করে কাজ করে যাওয়ার।

  • আমি গর্বের সহিত এই কথা স্বীকার করি আমি কেবলমাত্র আপনাকে অনুসরণ করতে চাই। সততার পথ কতখানি কঠিন সেটা হয়তো আপনাকে দেখে বুঝতে পারি, কিন্তু এই পথে চলে সামান্য প্রাপ্তিও যে কতখানি আত্ম তৃপ্তি দেয় সেটাও অনুভব করেছি আপনার হাত ধরেই।

  • তাই পরিস্থিতি যেমনই হোক সততার পথ থেকে সরে যাওয়া যাবে না,আপনার এই শিক্ষাকে পাথেয় করেই আমার পথ চলা। আপনার পথচলা আর সুদীর্ঘ হোক, যাতে আপনাকে অনুসরণ করে আমার মত আরও অনেকেই পথ চলতে পারে, এই কামনা রইলো। সর্বাগ্রে আপনার সুস্থতা কামনা করি। ভালো থাকবেন।


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Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

 3 months ago 

Well done Sunita, it is not easy to do all the work that you do, that requires majority of your active day, not only on Steemit but also with guiding others on discord. I believe many in your community have you as a leader and supporter.

I know you as a hard working person and very reliable that is something that I really appreciate your help and value.

I wish you to have many good people around you in new 2025 and also to reach many more dolphins :)


We look for quality posts and comments.
Curated by @kouba01

 3 months ago 

@stef1 ma'am,
I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work with you, and I do not doubt that your guidance will always be there for me in the future!

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words! You understand so much about me beyond just my professional life, and I am committed to giving my best in everything I do, leaving the rest to the almighty.

I embrace being a lifelong learner, especially when it comes to insights from you and my knowledgeable Steemian friends!

I'm participating in the power-up race, moving at my own pace, but I am determined to keep going as long as my health allows. That’s my top priority, which is why I’m keeping my SBD intact—I don’t have any other savings at the moment. Just being honest about my situation!


Congrats my lovely @sduttaskitchen 👏 Well done you 👩‍💻

Congratulations dear on achieving 9x dolphin 🐬. You are on a success path. I wish you more success. Recently I also achieve my first dolphin 🐬. It's a great pleasure for us.


We look for quality posts and comments.
Curated by @kouba01

 3 months ago 

Thank you my dear friend @kouba01 for this encouraging support 😊🙏

Wow this is really a big achievement for you .Consistency, determination and hardwork pays . Keep soaring higher every day with more achievements of dolphins.Forward ever and backward never 🥳.

 3 months ago 

অভিনন্দন দিদি, অনেক অনেক শুভকামনা রইলো।

 3 months ago 


you are doing fabulous here...
