Incredible India monthly contest of September #2| My inspiration of life!

in Incredible India â€ĸ 6 days ago


Today, I am here to partake in the contest announced inside the community.👇

Before propelling forward, I want to invite a few friends to join this contest.
@inspiracion, @jyoti-thelight, and @eliany

The first two usernames are motivational!
Now, I'll go ahead with my perspective related to the subject.

Who is the role model in your life(one or more)? Why?

Well! In my thumbnail, I noted three people who are my impulses in life!

  • Sudha Murti.
  • Ratan Tata.
  • Thomas Alva Edison.

Among these three, the first two are living legends!

I believe nothing is more powerful rather than

The three mentioned people proved themselves and taught we all have some potential in different sectors;
The only challenge is about the guts to take a step forward.

Life is nothing but a time game;
Today is exclusively veritable
for forming names!

Yesterday, there was a sermon,
on creating the existent.
Tomorrow, arrive to examine
what we have retained!

-Sunita Dutta!

Through a few lines,
I endeavor to convey the explanation of my preference;
and the sermons I learned!
I hope a few will read the entire content;
More fragments I have yet to convey the upcoming questions;
along with some YouTube video links to the senses behind this.

Do you believe we all need some guidelines to grow in our practical life? Justify.


Whether it's coming from family or out of the family, we all need some people who perform like a Banyan tree and enable us to shield ourselves from high temperatures;
And supply oxygen to boost our energy and motivate us to face the practical challenges of life.

Our parents are the best teachers besides time. It could be exemplary, inadequate, or hideous, whatever situation we foremost learn at home.

I am quite hard luck to retain lessons from my parents' tutorial like multiple fortunate people!

But the cited people are exemplary of our society and humanity. At least in my life journey, I have retained various sermons from their life anecdotes.

Which things have you learned from your role model that helped you to grow?

Sudha Murthy-

The first lady engineer wrote a letter to the father of Ratan Tata (Jamshedji bhai Tata) and opposed not hiring any lady engineer for his company!
She was the first lady engineer appointed in the Tata group.

If you are on the accurate path, never dare to protest!

Most of the time both couples(Her husband Narayan Murthy is the founder of Infosys company, and she is the co-founder) prefer to travel economy class instead of business class!


  • Rest watch the videos to understand we all have some lessons hidden!


Ratan Tata:-

A man who always conveys whatever we have taken from this society;
It's our responsibility to give it back to society!

That's thought and his parent's death from cancer bound to thought and his established Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital in Pune(India).
Besides that, this billionaire is known for his philanthropy and adherence!

If you have the opportunity to stay beside someone, think yourself lucky!


Thomas Alva Edison:-
Last but not least, my role model, who taught all of us that failure is the pillar of success!

It's our perspective glancing towards our delinquency and voyage of goal in a buoyant way or defeatist way up to us!
We all are aware of the life history of a man,

proved there is nothing called impossible!

Well! I can go on and on! If I wish to explain the subject,
there are various things we must learn from the mentioned legends;
If we are determined to enforce ourselves in real life.

I will conclude by saying it's not about what successful people achieve, But how they achieve it is more significant! We should learn from them.- Sunita Dutta
  • All photographs screenshots were taken from YouTube!




Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Your insights on the importance of role models like Sudha Murty, Ratan Tata, and Thomas Edison are inspiring, and I love how you highlight the lessons of resilience and generosity they embody