SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!

in Incredible India3 months ago

SEC17/W3|Experiences come with age or circumstances!


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How do you define maturity?

Development can be characterized in different ways, depending on the setting. For the most part, it alludes to the state of being completely created in body or intellect, or coming to a arrange of full common development or improvement. Here are a couple of perspectives frequently related with development:



  • Passionate Development:
    The capacity to get it and oversee one's feelings, empathize with others, and keep up composure in challenging circumstances.
  • Mental Development:
    The capacity for basic considering, making educated choices, and understanding complex concepts.
  • Social Development:
    The ability to associated agreeably with others, regarding social standards and social contrasts.
  • Physical Development:
    The natural development and improvement of the body to its grown-up frame and capacities.
It's too seen as the capacity to reply to the environment in an fitting way. This reaction is for the most part learned instead of intuitively, and comes from involvement and not age. Development is regularly related with qualities such as shrewdness, autonomy, and self-awareness. It's vital to note that development is subjective and can change incredibly from individual to individual.

What do you believe experiences come with age or circumstances? Define.

Encounters are formed by both age and circumstances, and each plays a critical part completely different ways:



  • Age:
    As individuals age, they ordinarily experience a wide run of circumstances that contribute to their life encounters. With each passing year, people have the opportunity to memorize from past activities, create aptitudes, and pick up shrewdness. Age can bring around a total impact where encounters construct upon each other, driving to a more profound understanding of life.

  • Circumstances:
    Circumstances frequently allude to the particular conditions or occasions that one experiences in life. These can change enormously from individual to individual and can incorporate variables such as culture, financial status, instruction, and individual connections. Circumstances can shape encounters significantly, in any case of age, and can lead to development and development through one of a kind challenges and openings.

In essence, whereas age gives a transient canvas for encounters construct up">to construct, up circumstances direct the substance and quality of those encounters. Both are necessarily to the embroidered artwork of life, contributing to the individual's advancement and point of view. Development, in this manner, can be seen as the integration of encounters inferred from both age and circumstances, reflecting a person's flexibility and learning over time.

Do you believe older people can also learn so many things from youth? Justify.

Completely, more seasoned people can learn a awesome bargain from more youthful individuals. Here's why:



  • New Points of view:
    Youth regularly have distinctive points of view on life, innovation, culture, and society. They can present unused thoughts and ways of considering that will not have happened to more seasoned eras.

  • Innovative Adroit:
    More youthful individuals tend to be more in tune with unused innovations and computerized patterns. They can offer assistance more seasoned people get it and explore the ever-evolving computerized scene.

  • Versatility:
    The youth are frequently more adaptable to alter, which may be a valuable trait that more seasoned individuals can learn from, particularly in a world that's continually changing.

  • Current Instructive Substance:
    The substance and strategies of instruction are continuously progressing. More seasoned individuals can learn about the most recent advancements in different areas from the more youthful era who are as of now within the instruction framework.

  • Social Trade:
    Youthful individuals can present more seasoned eras to modern social trends, music, craftsmanship, and social developments, enhancing their understanding of the modern world.

  • Switch Mentoring:
    Usually a concept where more youthful workers guide their more seasoned colleagues, particularly in regions like innovation, social media, and current patterns.

In quintessence, learning could be a lifelong prepare, and no one bunch features a restraining infrastructure on information. Both the youthful and the ancient have important encounters and experiences to offer, making intergenerational learning a useful trade for all included.

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Thanks dear @meraindia🙏


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Why is that older people like saying "You're too young, don't worry when you grow up you'll experience what I'm saying". It's because they think maturity or experiences can only be faced or seen during old age. Both age and circumstances has its own role play when it comes to experiences in life. I like the fact that you've pointed those fact out. Best of luck🤞🏾

According to the requirement of age, a person does not say anything in front of old people due to the value and respect of them, otherwise it is a gift from my Lord, whether it is given to a child or an old person.

Experience is really the best deal we can make use of to make wise decisions and not to make wrong decisions and we can get it from either age and also circumstances

A person who has the ability to work must gain something from experiences