Steem Entrepreneur | Will share the 2022 calendar for steemit promotions
The company calendar is very important for the company's growth in promoting a business to the wider community to promote every product sold. Of course this will be a distinct advantage for each company, this is part of the company's strategy to attract the attention of consumers.
Steem entrepreneur community calendar. Which makes our foundation for doing steemit promotions to the wider community to get to know about the steemit platform, especially to get to know more about the steemit platform media. As we all know that the steem entrepreneur community, is the only community engaged in entrepreneurship in the world of the steemit platform, as well as making our platform to combine steemians who have hobbies and passions for entrepreneurs or businessmen, by providing ideas, creative, and innovation in business, to provide knowledge and experience in business through the steem entrepreneur community.
Of course we have the desire to provide knowledge and guidance about the theories of steem entrepreneurs for the community, especially for micro-economic growth and human resources (HR) for the progress of micro-enterprises.
• Prominence is our race in promoting steemit among teenagers and micro-entrepreneurs to join, as our step to promote steemit in the general public who don't really know about the steemit media platform, of course this is our initiative to go around providing knowledge community and micro-entrepreneurs.
Progressive steem entrepreneurs are the most important part and this is our foundation to improve the community by going around to introduce steemit to the community.
During 2021 the steem entrepreneur community has verified and validated as many as 70 businesses spread across various countries, of course this is not thanks to the performance of the steem entrepreneur community and moderators, with the steem entrepreneur community calendar it will provide an excellent track for the steemit promotion process through steem entrepreneur community.
The calendar will be distributed free of charge to the general public who need the 2022 calendar.Business Effort
The calendar will be distributed to several businesses that are busy with customers such as coffee shops, restaurants and other businesses.Organization
campus Several campus organizations in North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City have requested several calendars that are ready for production to be used at the secretariat as a medium for promoting steem to students.Steemit users
We also share calendars with active steemit users.

The Steem Entrepreneurs Community would like to thank all those who have supported the empowerment activities and charities of Steem Kindness and the community program to spread information about and to the wider community.
Cc : @pennsif | @steemcurator01 | @stephenkendal
@harferri | Pioneer - Admin |
@steempreneurship | Curator - Admin |
@tucsond | Moderator |
@subkiusman | Moderator |
@f2i5 | Moderator |
@afrizalbinalka | Moderator |
@akmal1 | Moderator |