First time in blockchain ecosystem | Steem Entrepreneurs workshop - Meeting and Training for Steem Business Promo / Steem Integrated Business

in Steem Entrepreneurs3 years ago (edited)


Dear Steempreneurs,
Steem Entrepreneurs will hold Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop for entrepreneurs through the Steem Kindness for Better Life Program. This workshop is planned to be attended by entrepreneurs from North Aceh Regency and Lhokseumawe City. This workshop activity is a meeting and training on Entrepreneurs related to the Steem Business Promo and Promo Steem. This workshop can also be used to overcome unemployment problems and increase knowledge about the world of entrepreneurship, so that business ventures run more advanced and successful. In the world of Entrepreneurship, an entrepreneur must always train himself through meetings and training, so that high motivation is embedded in his soul to achieve success. This workshop also encourages entrepreneurs who have integrated with steem to maximize all potential in Steem Business Promo activities and Promo-Steem.

Steem Entrepreneurship Workshop Objectives :

  • To increase knowledge about Entrepreneurship that can combine the use of Steem in running a business transaction - Steem Integrated Business.
  • Improve the ability of entrepreneurs in developing business ventures to be more advanced and successful by building a community to help each other in the promotion of business products.
  • Improve the ability to understand the Steemit platform that can be used to develop an entrepreneurial business.


The Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop is planned to be held on Sunday, September 26, 2021. Located at:
Place NameTR Coffee
AddressMerdeka Street, Lancang Garam, Next to Baiturrahman Mosque, Lhokseumawe City, Aceh Province - Indonesia
Plus Code

Divider Steem Kindness 2.png

The person in charge of the activity as well as the speaker for the Steem Entrepreneurs Workshop "Meeting and Training Steem Business Promo" Mr. @tucsond has also made publications related to the procedure for registering as a workshop participant. Click the link for more information.

Mr. @subkiusman @tucsond and @harferri have also conducted a survey to ensure the comfort and completeness of the equipment in the hall that will be used for the steem entrepreneurs workshop to take place.

Cc :

Open opportunities for useful contributions and collaborations with steem power delegates for community development.

Please select one from the link :

Special THANK YOU to all stemians who have supported and encouraged us to work hard to advance the Community and STEEM to reach wider people.

Steem Entrepreneurs Team


Thanks You for your support about Steem Entrepreneur Workshop...👍😊

 3 years ago 

Hopefully the steem entrepreneur workshop will be successful and have a positive impact on entrepreneurs, society and steemit..

 3 years ago 

Sangat salut atas pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh tim pengurus Steem Entrepreneurs Community, ini adalah pekerjaan yang nyata dan sangat mendukung pemberdayaan masyarakat ekonomi kelas menengah ke bawah.

Senang bergabung dan menjadi bagian dari Steem Entrepreneurs Community, kami akan ikut berpartisipasi dan mendukung terselenggaranya acara workshop ini, Sukses terus Steem Entrepreneurs Community!

 3 years ago (edited)

Sebuah keberhasilan hanya akan nyata bila mendapat dukungan dari teman-teman semua termasuk @bangmimi, ayo dukung kami terus dan kritik kami agar lebih baik dimasa depan ...

Terimakasih atas dukungan dari teman-teman Steem Entrepreneurs semuanya .. salam dan sukses

Ini suatu langkah yang luar biasa untuk melakukan Perkenalan tentang strategi pemasaran kepada Entrepreneurs muda.kusus nya saya dengan adanya komunitas entrepreneurs ini saya harapkan bisa mengerti lebih banyak lagi tentang bisnis. Saya sangat mendukung program ini dan saya sangat senang bisa bergabung komunitas @steementrepreuneurship. Semoga acara ini berlangsung dengan baik salam Entrepreneurs


 3 years ago 

Wah luar biasa team @steementrepreuners 👏👏👏👏

Kerja hebat bagi kalian semua. Sukses ya untuk kegiatan yang dilakukan 👍👍

 3 years ago 

Terimakasih bu @wantimaulidar, semoga bisa bergabung sekakian silaturahmi sesama stemian

 3 years ago 

Insyaallah, dilain waktu bila di Banda Aceh dilaksanakan sy usahakan hadir.

Sambil belajar juga, saya baru bergabung 🙏🙏🙏

 3 years ago 

Iya bu .. terimakasih sudah berkontribusi di halaman stee
Entrepreneurs ...