RE: Steem Football #9 - Revista digital de fútbol de la comunidad Steem Sports
Lol...It's funny to see people bring different stats just to justify Messi's selection.
When in 2010 he won it, Wesley Sneijder had won more trophies, reached the final of the world cup and also was very influential for club and country.
It is what it is. Don't forget that the voters are also humans and to an extent, their bias would eventually come into play.
Not to take anything away from Messi, but a larger percentage of football lovers would agree that Lewandoski was the most outstanding in the year under review by a margin.
Another thing, why was the 2020 award cancelled? Please, I don't want to hear Covid-19 cos football still went ahead.
If it had held and Lewy won, perhaps, no one would have bothered much about this.
Or why do you think they decided to all of a sudden create the "best striker award?". For you to know it was an afterthought to create that award to compensate Lewandoski, why didn't they create for best defender and midfielder or is it only a striker that makes up a team, given that we already have the Yacine trophy for the best goalkeeper.?
In all the awards has lost its credibility over the years due to the same inadequacies.
A Messi nadie tiene que buscarle justificaciones, solo que quiero aclarar que Lewandowski no tuvo un año mucho mejor que el argentino. Pero entiendo cuando dices que muchas personas querían que el polaco se llevara el premio. Si revisas las puntuaciones, verás que Messi supera por muy poco al delantero del Bayern.
Mi crítica no va dirigida a los que piensan que Lewandowski tenia que ganar el Balón de Oro. Sino para los que menosprecian el año de Messi, haciéndonos creer que le han regalado el trofeo. Cosa que no es verdad.
Aquí te dejo un link de un post que hice en donde explico de manera extendida mi opinión sobre el premio otorgado a Messi, y por qué pienso que se merece ese trofeo.
Bueno, según tengo entendido cancelaron el premio en 2020 por la pandemia debido al Covid-19. Y lo ultimo que dices es cierto: Ese reconocimiento a Lewandowski estuvo demás. Se lo inventaron para no dejar al delantero con las manos vacías. Saludos.
I've gone through the post and it's more or less the same with the previous one.
The organizers know what they are doing, hence, the creation of the new award out of nowhere to compensate the Pole.
Messi has won at least five others which were never contested and the whole world agreed he was deserving. Everyone cannot be fooled all the time.