A Must Watch Four Part Documentary Series on Bill Gates

in Deep Dives5 years ago

This four part documentary series by James Corbett is a must watch, and is an exploration into the past, present, and possible future direction of Gates and his foundation - as well as his influence on both technology and 'global health', to exert power over governments and institutions on a global scale.

This is a fantastic series, which deserves a place of record in the Deep Dives Community feed, and the blockchain in general.

This series is presented in YouTube format, mostly for convenience purposes. However, we are all aware of the censorship and manipulation that is ongoing on that platform. So for that reason, I will link you directly to his website corbettreport.com, just in case it suddenly goes 'missing'. There are also links available there, for direct download of the entire series in different formats.

Here is the enitre URL link, if you prefer to enter it into your browser directly!








As always, have a great day and PEACE