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RE: Opinion | Coronavirus and the Psychological War | Geo-Politics 101

in Deep Dives5 years ago

I do agree with you, and I'm certainly not saying that it shouldn't be taken at all seriously. I do feel though, that sometimes we are playing into the hands of a different agenda as well (as you well know). More importantly however, I have noticed some very shady things going on in the interwebs space in general. Of course that has always existed, but I'm seeing it even more so than before. A lot of fakery being spread in between genuinely good information. Almost as if it's deliberate. Thanks for your comment!


Oh, I'm sure they're lying to us, confusing factual evidence with disinformation, and generally seeking to worsen our vulnerability to their depredations.

That doesn't mean there isn't an ongoing pandemic. Have you ever stubbed your toe and then banged your shin hopping around clutching your toe? That's metaphorically what's going on IMHO.

Yes agreed again, and nice analogy lol. But my focus here really wasn't about the actual pandemic itself, because we have you doing that for us:)

"...doing that for us..."

God forbid I am the guy standing on that wall.

Don't count on me. I am easily fooled, and more easily yet eliminated.

We all need to understand the threats we face, because we are personally and individually responsible for our personal survival.

Stand and deliver, my friend. I will let you down if you leave it up to me.