Psychopaths, less than 5% of the Population, Are Destroying Everything

in ecoTrain5 months ago


One of the most destructive things to a spiritual, loving and open minded person are cluster B personalities.

Especially narcissists (psychopaths and sociopaths)
(although, borderlines can really suck you dry)

The thing about narcissists is that we, as loving, caring, often empathic, people, do not even comprehend their thinking. We don't even think that it is possible. "If they think like that, they aren't human," would be an accurate statement.

Narcissists are EXTREMELY destructive. Many other planets do not tolerate their existence. Death, or some kind of mind wiping/reset is the lengths these other planets go to, to remove narcissists. If they are this bad, then we should be at least knowledgeable about them, shouldn't we?

And no, we shouldn't have any compassion for them. (i will explain why later) Like when you find a rabid animal, you do not take it home and try to love it better. It is a dangerous and violent creature. And will switch between showing affection and tearing you apart with no warning.

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What is a narcissist?

A narcissist is a creature who has burned out, or had burnt out, their empathy center of the their brain. They have no warm empathy. They care for people in their lives like you care for your TV. And if the TV isn't working, they will coldly dispose of it. For people outside of their lives, they care for them as much as you care for a electric pole.

They have no warm empathy. They have no limit. They will continue going past the point where you are dead. The harm they cause does not keep them awake at night. It is only a matter of if they will get caught.

Us normal people have limits. We really can't go all bad guy for long. Most people, trained for war, and sent to the front of battle, cannot pull the trigger when they recognize another human in front of them.

Narcissists do not think that way. Pulling the trigger feels good to them. Being the guy who orders others to pull the trigger while they stay safely in command, feels even better. Getting people to pull the trigger, when the people are dead set against war, and killing, is an even bigger thrill. A thrill they will put on a multi-year act to get a person to do. Slowly chipping away at their defenses and then setting up a situation (instigating BOTH sides) where they will need to pull the trigger.

To illustrate this, Awful (Kamela) Harris, the VP of The US, went to the UN, and gave a short speech, (prepared for her) that U-Crane should join NATO. Which EVERYONE knew was the line in the sand that Russia set. Russia who was all set with military on the border. No one in their right mind would say such a thing, unless they wanted war. No one with a conscious could say these words knowing that lots of people will die, from her utterance.

But, there she was, with a speech prepared, doing just that. Starting a war (of course, Zelenski was put into place by just this same group.) So, imagine a group of people that want war, plan the war, push the two sides into war, fan the flames. This is the world of the powerful narcissist (sociopath)

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How are narcissists made/born?

There are some people who are born narcissists. However, most people are born who are susceptible to being emotionally destroyed. These people can grow up to be the most caring, empathic people. But, they have a childhood where they are shamed (meaning YOU are bad, as opposed to guilt which means, you have done bad), and the EGO rotates away from compassion to protect the self, and too far then the self is completely locked off, empathy is completely shut down, and a false-self is created to deal with the trauma they are living.

Unfortunately, we do not know how to fix this level of trauma. Once the empathy is turned off, you cannot turn it back on, and the false-self will do everything in its power to defend itself. Thus, the person will never seek to heal.

The "Elite" purposefully break their children's minds. Often with rape and torture at a very young age. This causes a fissure in their brains, that is later exploited to turn them into machines. Zero empathy machines, capable of doing the most heinous things in the pursuit of power, and their secret agenda.

Of course, the "Elite" see this as setting their children up to be powerful. With all of these suckers all over the planet, if you can turn off your emotions, you can use them however you want.

… until people realize that there EXISTS narcissists, and the damage they can do.

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Yes Virginia, There Is Evil!

The biggest lie the devil tells is that he doesn't exist.

And so, we see neo-liberal movement that pushes the narrative that there is no good / evil, and no, there are now genders. And this is the playbook of evil sociopaths. This is destruction of everyone's morals, even worse, the basis of how they see. And now, no one is able to discern right from wrong, in fact they are not supposed to judge, even when being hurt.

This is exactly what the narcissist want. For everyone to not be looking out for the narcissist. For everyone to not even know the narcissist exists. So, they can do evil with impunity.

The modus operandi of the narcissist is to gas-light you (from the movie Gaslight) making you doubt what you see, make you doubt what is reality. In a personal setting, they will deny, to your face, that something was done. To the population, they will say things like "The Japanese attacked us, without any provocation, and we never saw it coming" (every piece of that is a lie) or that Osama flew 3 planes into 4 buildings, knocking 3 buildings down and destroying 7, and that you are a conspiracy theorist if you believe anything different, or even question the official story.

I had a friend that believe that 9-11 couldn't be an inside job, because people just couldn't kill that many people. Unfortunately, there are narcissists who have and will kill that many people just for a little praise, or to put one over on someone else.

This time right now is the culmination of the war between good and evil. And if you can't recognize your enemy, they will win.

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We must learn to understand and recognize that we have narcissist living among us.

And we must keep them out of any positions of power. Over are person lives, and especially out of any govern-cement positions. We must be vigilant to keep these people from sneaking in. And must remove them when we find them.

As we grow up spiritually, we will understand, almost at an intuitive level that nothing good comes from dealing with narcissists. Sure, they are able to put on the charm/ the glamour, but we really need to see past this, and understand that it is just bait for a trap. A trap that will destroy us.

These "people" do not care for us. We have to comprehend this. We have to comprehend that they do not have restrictions on how far they will go.

The reason other planets do not suffer narcissists in their society, on their planet, is that we are co-creating. And when you have a group that is creating a good community, and you have some people secretly turn that community evil, destructive, you should not tolerate that.

We must clean up the evil that we have allowed into our planet. And this requires us to understand the guise that evil comes in. They are usually not Norman Bates, who seems to have serious mental issues; they are like our politicos, who are all smiles, and saying the correct thing, but you watch their actions, and they vote for more surveillance and destruction of constitutional rights.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.