The Two Futures

in ecoTrain6 months ago


Evil can never win.
A single flame pushes back the dark. The darkness can do nothing to the light.

But, what is really happening here on earth?

Good has won, but what does that really mean?
Ever since good has won, all we have been seeing is more and more evil. Every day, more evil is shown.

Poli-ticks-ians are sending tons of money to countries that we really do not agree with, while people here in America starve and suffer and sleep on the street.

The P eople at the top are Diddling youngins.

Congress is passing laws to violate privacy that is blatantly in violation of the constitution.

They are pushing people across the borders to destabilize northern nations.

So, how can i say that good has won? What is really going on?

Well, first, in order to clean up all the evil in our world, we must see all the evil in our world. (it has always been here, we are just now noticing)

And the other thing, is there are two futures. You need to decide which future you are going to be a part of.

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The Two Futures

We always have free choice.

Even at this late date, twelve years after good has won, a person can still choose which future to live in.

  1. There will be a growing collection of small communities all over the world. They will live an interdependent life with their "close friends", "family", "those people they resonate with", (or just a collection of people who came together to survive)

  2. There will be people stuck in a decaying control grid. Some living in 15 minute cities (open air prisons). Some living in what remains of cities and suburbs. Gathering around the corporations that haven't toppled over yet.

This is similar to how some nations have very little hunger, grocery stores everywhere, restaurants on every corner… and other nations live in poverty and constant threat of starvation. These two worlds exist side by side, with very little interaction. Like they are two completely separate universes.

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What is different this time?

You may say that is just the same thing. TPTshouldn'tB are going to have a great reset, where they still retain power, but all the people think that there has been a revolution (or world war, or collapse) and now everything will be different, but everything is really just the same. New fancy package, same old shit.

However, things really are different now.

Evil cannot survive. It is self destructive. It spirals down the drain. So, if the balance turns to evil, the earth is designed to reset. (Noah's flood as one example) However, we were on our last reset. If good didn't succeed this time, humanity would have been wiped out completely. (most likely giant meteor)

But, what happens when good wins? Well, the earth changes. The humans change. You might say, humanity is starting to grow up; from being children.

We learn to think clearer, see clearer, and understand more the ramifications of our actions.

People who live good lives, in harmony with the planet (this is an energetic thing) will start living longer (sometimes MUCH longer) lives.

People who continue to let evil live in their hearts will live short lives.
Adrenochrome and transplants will stop working.
Imagine Kissinger's new heart (transplant) had even more say on how it was to be used. The heart from a Uyghur "donor" learns that it is living in a person doing much evil, and so, rejects this. This kind of thing will happen more and more among the "elite", as they try their old "life extension" technology.

The same will happen with the blood. Being taken from an abused child, will carry that abuse to the person who uses it. It will no longer replenish energy, it will cause them harm, and to age faster.

Basically, the earth will now reward good (more than it has) and evil will destruct itself faster. These are the new magnetic frequencies that have been put onto the earth.

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Transition and how the two worlds go into the future.

As humanity grows up, and learns things like war is shtupid. (not like we think, of war as being destructive, and kills lots of people and that is bad) Each person will just know, like it is obvious, that all that war does is destroy. You do not win, they do not win.

War: 1 + 1 = 0
Negotiation: 1 + 1 = 2
Win-win negotiation: 1 + 1 = 4

Those who learn this, and practice this get more. The old corporations who try to charge as much as possible while giving as little as possible will shrivel up and blow away. We will see the communities and their interdependent exchanges will make them stronger and more resilient.

Basically all the narcissists who try get one over on people, who try the play the games of taking without giving, will find that people see through their schemes, and will no longer deal with them. And because of this, the earth will shift to a much better future. The dupers, instead of winning, will be shooting themselves in the foot.

So, like i have said in previous posts, we really do not need a shooting war to win. The bad guys will take themselves out. We really need to get out of the way, and do our best to not deal with them ever.

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Things are getting better, even if it doesn't look like that now.

And, we will start seeing the split in the world, in the futures. People who do not want to shift into new paradigm will hold onto the decaying old structures that are collapsing around them. People who find their "families" and start building a new life of interdependent cooperation will find that their futures look brighter and brighter.

If you look at the areas that are now cities, you will see collapsing bridges, uncared for houses, and rotting sky scrapers. You know, like an Armageddon Dystopian Movie. Complete with feral humans trying to scavenge any food they can find.

If you look at rural America, you will find little communities everywhere. Growing all their own food, and manufacturing goods they can trade with other communities. These places will probably look like utopian gardens as each generation makes them better.

We have a lot of cleaning up to do. We must find and remove the evil that we have allowed in our world. And there is a lot of cleaning up to do. I wonder if we will actually tear down the cities, pick up the roads and recycle them, or will nature do this reclaiming for us?

Anyway, we get to live through the "Great Migration". The time of people looking for their "family" to belong with. Those who find their people soonest will be way ahead. However, those that come later will receive lots of help to catch up. Unfortunately, there will be many who hold on to the old ways till the very end.

Literally, people living in two very different futures.

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All images in this post are my own original creations.


"Unfortunately, there will be many who hold on to the old ways till the very end."

Many people in other countries never clutched onto the old ways and are now fleeing here for a new life....I guess they'll end up disappointed then, or help destruct the remainder of the old ways and end up asking themselves why they ever left their old country to begin with.

Looks like STEEM went down a little too much in value, and now my vote is just under 2.1¢, so be sure to up vote your comment to get payout.

I hope these people return to their country and help build their own communities. They could, each of them, come back hugely wealthy (by their old country's standards) and thus make a huge impact by building larger projects.

But, many of them will not make it back.

I never upvote myself. I don't worry about it, I figured it out a long time ago that the new system is the same as the old system, it's rigged against everybody but a few.

Think positive, smile, and be happy

Will try.
I have to practice being happy.