the process of planting chilies

in SteemFarm-Marketlast year (edited)


good night steemit friends all wherever you are may you always be healthy and on this occasion tonight I would like to share some photos of the chili sheath process until it bears fruit


well all steemit friends at first I took the ripe chilies and after that I split the chilies and I took the seeds and then I sprinkled them on the ground that I had previously provided in a bucket filled with soil or what is called manure which produced by cows, then I mixed it with soil and then I took the chili seeds that I had split earlier and I sowed them in and then I took a little water to water it so that it grew quickly and about a week later the chilies grew and then I took one by one for me to plant directly into the ground so that it takes more than a month and then the chilies grow big and can bear fruit like in my photos







