Stepping Into A New Season

in Inner Blocks4 years ago

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Viruses, blockchains and life, oh my!

2020 really kicked off with a bang, didn't it? We are now cresting into the beginning of May and it still feels like we just said Happy New Year. And even with the virus and all the changes the blockchains have faced, life continues to keep on going! It doesn't pause to take a breather. Our stomachs continue to want food, our hearts demand to spread love and affection, and the human race continues to grow, welcoming new life every day. Life is still beautiful and our experiences keep happening.

And with all of this, we are proud to say that Inner Blocks still has your back!

If this is the first time you have been introduced to Inner Blocks, we are a community that focuses on Real people and Real life. Our every day experiences are what makes us, and is what builds our blocks. We are a place that celebrates this! *

Through these past few weeks, we have been working hard on simplifying our message. We want to invite people to be apart of the community because no matter what walk of life you are on, no matter what season you are in, Inner Blocks is a place you can call home.

It is...

Life Happening.

Yes, Life Happening. This is Inner Blocks brand new slogan. We wanted to create a simpler way to spread our message. We want everyone to celebrate living their best and full life every day, but everyday those life experiences change. The words “Life Happening” embrace all the ways our lives seamlessly ebb and flow.

We also understand that our lives don't only happen on one blockchain or one platform. So, we wanted to make Inner Blocks much more available. You can find us on Hive, Steem, Dtube, Facebook, Twitter, and You Tube.

Soon we will have an Inner Blocks Facebook group page to join, along with our regular Inner Blocks account to follow. If you don't already follow us on Twitter, please check us out for a regular dose of positivity! You can use the tag #lifehappening on all of your Twitter and Facebook posts!

So while all of those social medias are in full swing, we are also building up our Community pages on the blockchains! Inner Blocks is a great place to share your Life Happening posts. Although we can't guarantee an upvote through our manual curation, it is still a great way to get more eyes on your hard work. Also feel free to use the tag #lifehappening on all of these posts as well!

Now while the social media accounts are growing, and the Communities are growing, our amazing dApp is still being built! It has been a long process, but things that are worth anything, even in the digital world, take time. So we are still very excited about this and we can't wait to see it unfold!

This has certainly been a very busy time for us!

But like with any great step forward, a little upgrade in branding is always fun!

We have created brand new footers with our new hashtag and slogan!

There are two available depending on preference. Please feel free to use either one on your blockchain posts and also the centralized sites.

Option 1

footer 2a.png

<center><a href="" target=Top><img src=""></a></center>

Option 2

Footer 1a.png

<center><a href="" target=Top><img src=""></a></center>

When they are clicked they will carry you over to the Inner Blocks Discord page where you can chat and catch up on any news!

Was there mention of curation?

Yes! Inner Blocks hosts an automated, manual curation service with a team of over 20 curators on both the HIVE Blockchain and the Steem Blockchain targeted at posts that share any and all things about Life Happening. From collecting eggs and homesteading, to pondering the deepest thoughts on a mountain side, writing music, or writing stories. Inner Blocks is here for you.

We support content creators, big or small, that are living life to the fullest, whatever that looks like.

Because our team is amazing, we wanted to give them each credit for their hard work, that is why if your post has been curated by Inner Blocks, you will see a more personalized message that shares which curator supported you.

Soon this message will be linked to our Community page on the blockchains so that you can have easier access to like-minded content creators.

It should definitely be said that all of this is made possible by the generosity of our delegators! Without them, this project would not have the legs to stand on that it does, and we are grateful to each and every of them!

If you are interested in joining our team of curators or have any other questions, please feel free to leave a comment below, or find us over on Discord! You can DM @freedompoint or @freedomtowrite.

Thanks so much,

~Inner Blocks Team


Hi @innerblocks, your post has been upvoted by the MAXUV token program.
You have also received some bonus tokens as part of our transition from a vote-bond to a rewards-distribution model.
Please read about these changes in this recent post and follow us to keep up to date with developments.

@innerblocks, Keep up the good work team and my good wishes are with you. Stay blessed.