in Steem Fashion&Style9 hours ago

Hello everyone,

I am @isha-rehman from pakistan.Today i am going to write and also drop my entry in it.The contest i svery important and it is related to our health and environment.I am very thankful to the @Steem Fashion&Style to organized this contest.So without any delay.

Lets start,

Lecture Contest.png
[canva app]

Fuel VS The Environment:

Fuel is an important part of our lives. It powers our cars or buses, factories and even the electricity in our homes. However the use of the fuel also it causes harm to the environment. Most of the fuels like a petrol and the diesel are made from the oil. When we burn these of fuels they release the gases like a carbon dioxide into the air. This adds to air pollution and the global warming.

1: The Effects of Global Warming:

Global warming is happens because the CO2 traps heat in the earth atmosphere that making the planet warmer. As the temperature rises it causes a problems like melting of ice caps or rising sea levels and changes in weather. These changes can be lead to the floods or droughts and more extreme to the storms.


2: The Harmful Process of Oil Extraction

Additionally the extracting oil from the earth can be harm the environment. Oil spills can be damage the oceans and kill sea life. Forests and the land are often destroyed to make a room for oil drilling which harms the wildlife and a plants.

3: The Need for Cleaner Energy

To help protect the environment we can start by using the cleaner sources of the energy like solar or wind and the hydroelectric power. These renewable sources do not produce the harmful gases and it can be used over and over again. Reducing our use of the fuel and switching to cleaner the energy can help to save our planet for the future generations.


I am inviting my friends to join this post,

@vickyson, @ilnegro and @saravanan-n.

Thanks for reading my post,

Best reguards.


Ho thanks for inviting me. But I had already gave my enrollment. You had explained detaily about the global warming and also tell about the importance of renewable resources it helps us to improve our usage of renewable energy. Keep rocking by doing more and more post.