Knotilus Daily Pond

in Natural Living3 years ago


Hey all!

Hope you’re having a great Wednesday, I got a couple new items up in the shop today! Just finished the wall hanging last night, I think it turned out really cute! 🙂



Looks like lots of snow on the way for us here, I’m surprised it’s taken this long! Time to get the plough and chains on the quad, ‘tis the season!

I suspect this lot of snow will be melted away in no time, it rains quite a bit here throughout the winter.

I’m keeping up with my no sugar challenge! It’s hard not to turn to sweets when I’m not feeling my best, but I’ve been super good today! 💕

The boreal chickadee painting is still in the making, I finally decided what I’m going to do with the background on it though, and that’s half the battle! 😂

Now some memes!


Do the things.
Live the life.
Be present.


Give it anyway.


Trade up. Look for those with higher vibrations. People who are doing the things you wish you were doing. Distance those who would drag you in the wrong direction.

Most of all, take care!!


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

For more of my stuff click my linktree!


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