Knotilus Daily Pond

in Natural Living3 years ago


Good morning!

Hope your Sunday is going beautifully!

Got some more work done on my chickadee painting, and I started a pretty cool looking macrame wall hanging.

Huge thanks for the orders this past week!! One of my bucket list goals was to sell a painting to a stranger, now I can honestly say I’ve sold several! 🥰 And a purse now too!!

Making dreams come true here for sure!
My cats that had gone missing are so happy to be back home!

Here’s earl stretched out on the bed!


It’s day 5 of no sugar, feeling pretty great because of that already! I’ve been posting about my “December NO SUGAR Challenge” every day to update 🙂

Anyhoo, back to work for me!

Here’s some memes


Sober from alcohol and hard drugs.. but I’ll keep my cannabis for sanity. 😂

Perhaps it’s hypocritical, but I’ve just always found alcohol to be poison. When it comes to natural plants like cannabis, St. John’s wort, lavender, etc they’re all just medicine to me. Alcohol is only used to make the tinctures! 🙂
No judgement from me either way. To each their own accepted vices. 💕



Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery and maybe a meme or two.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray, I’m happy to share all the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


#KnotilusDailyPond #Daily #DailyBlog #DailyPost #DailyPosting #DailyBlogging #Blogging #KnotilusCreations #Creating #Photography #Nature #NaturePhotography #Pond #PondLife #LakeLife #Lake #LakeTime #Forest #ForestLake #OffGrid #OffGridGoals #GettingOffGrid #HomeStead #Homesteading #Homesteader #GrowYourOwn #GrowYourOwnFood