Knotilus Daily Pond

in Natural Living3 years ago


Hey there!

Hope you’re getting some time to relax and see your loved ones these days.

Started a new macrame bag, a phone holder this time, cute and little, hopefully it sells well!

I went into the forest today and picked out a tree


I love having the freedom to do that! I plan to pot up a few small evergreen trees and keep them outside most of the year, bringing them in for the colder winter months.
It would be like a big potted plant! Beautiful scent, and over time I can shape them perfectly!

Anyway, that’s the plan for that!


I played taxi for a rescue kitty!


Sweet little baby will NOT be out in the cold OR pregnant this winter!

So thankful to animal rescuers.
Seriously, these people never stop. They save life after life and often get little to no thanks. So often they get bullshit in return.
They don’t care, they keep it up, they just want to save animals. ❤️

Thanks so much to every single one!!

Now for some memes!






Take care!!

Knotilus daily pond is a daily posted series of photos of the pond near my home, with some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, then it’s finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray, I’m happy to share all the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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