Rare Earth Elements Uses

in Trading4 years ago

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This rare earth elements could be useful in our daily lives. You might want to know what are the use of it. https://cutt.ly/RareEarthMineralsDemand

Rare earths appears that thy are a group of 17 chemically similar elements crucial to the manufacture of many hi-tech products. Despite their name, it appears that most are abundant in nature but are hazardous to extract.

These other companies could potentially meet the demand for North American-sourced critical rare earth elements. Defense Metals Corp might potentially have one of the highest-grade road accessible deposits and the potential to reduce the political and strategic risk of the current reliance on a hostile country for REE sources. Check disclaimer on profile and landing page.


Magnets made with rare earth metal could be one of the strongest permanent magnets that are currently known.

Rare earth elements could be critical for use in the electric power industry.

Neodymium could be used to make rechargeable batteries for phones and laptops? This is great!

This rare minerals could possibly used in a range of products from MP3 players and computer hard drives to hybrid cars, wind turbines, light bulbs and coffee makers.