Achievement 1 - my new introduction on steemit by @husen.barus

in steemfarmer3 years ago

my new introduction on steemit by @husen.barus


I'm new to this platform and I just got to know it from my brother @fajar.perangin79

I am a farmer and I am married with one child. I live in a highland village, Gayo land is really lively

my daily job is farming, and I am very focused on my job because this activity is very promising for my income, for this stage I focus on chili cultivation


my plants look good and I want to share knowledge while seeking knowledge in this community.

for this opportunity, that's my introduction on this steem.farmer community fan platform.

thank you to this community which is a place for me to share and seek knowledge about agriculture, I hope for support from all parties in the future.

Regards @husen.barus


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Terima kasih kepada @husen.barus yang menjadi member baru di komunitas ini, semoga akan berkembang dan menjadi petani sukses melalui platform dan komunitas ini.

Selamat datang di @steemit saudara ... Semoga ada bisa mempublikasi kegiatan anda sehari hari karena memang adalah media untuk membuat konten dan fokus pada investasi masa depan