The mother fowl mistery and there incubation periods

in Steem Sri Lanka3 years ago

Hello guys


Having studied and trained birds,I have happened to be an experience pultery farmer,however I don't rear birds any more,due to the series of activities backing my time.

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Just abouts birds

Well birds are of divers species and this species differs in there dynamic characters it take more patience to learn how must of the birds react when the see there rearer,mean while I am opportune to deal with broiler and the domestic fowls.

However I enjoyed the domestic then that of the broiler due to there way of life,I will say domestic are easily trained than broiler,of a truth size,weight and price differ in the market but it take more stress to take care of the broiler.

Today I will be dealing with the mother domestica,that is the local or the Domestic fowl we know.

*** Domestic fowl are those basic types of fowl we allow to move around our environment insearch of there daily bread***
However this fowls can be lovely and friendly only if and only if it is well structured by the rearer,I said that because this birds are designed to take care of themselves either with man around them or not.

One of the best way to see to that, is to study them closely and understand there mode of conduct and life style as well,I bet you,you will enjoy them,some persons would prefer them to there pet.

Let journey on there life style

The domestic fowl per say it called domestic because they are man friendly,yes the live with man and would disassociate from the wild life style living,to that effect,we can say the are friendly and home compatible.

The fowl came to existence through the spoken words of God and has on it own fellow the programming placed on it software by it creator,however it productivity is as a result of interaction with a male semen, and this action happens in two ways

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  • Firstly
    The male displays his melian nature by means of trying to attract the female towards his current position by using his bek to picking crumbs of food and making a pop sound,when the female hears the sound during her heat period she moves quickly towards the male just to collect or pick what his offering and by so doing he finds a way on her which we may say it called crossing or mating.but cloaca are clap together and the semen is deposited.

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  • Secondly
    The male(rooster) take the bull by it horn I.e he force fully mates with the female either she likes it or not.

Fowl mating period is within seconds and most often the male mates with the female even when they arent in there heat season therefore laying of eggs can be consecutively done.

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Birth time/incubation process

The female receives the semen not just from one cock sometimes but different cock and after sometimes laying of eggs begin,this period will last till the point where in the mother hen decide the amount or number of the eggs she choose to lay and then she inbate the eggs by lying on them,i.e covering her eggs.

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Hence at that time she's away from the exciting moments of the outside and I will say it the times of deep endurance,mother mother hen stays still on her eggs for at least five to seven days without food,after which she leaves her eggs for few minutes to eat something,as she eats she does it fast all her movements around the environment is as quick as u can ever imagine,she uses that opportunity to stretch her self as well.

Hence she does that fast so not to allow her eggs get too cold else eggs will spoil and won't produce chicks,after she through with all she goes in to continue the process,incubation of eggs is approximately three weeks that is to say 21 days.

When this days are full accomplished chicks will begin to come out of from the eggs.hence expansions and increase is been achieved in the life circle off the fowl.

Thanks for reading my brief fowl lifestyle.