It Went Pretty Well!

in Steem Sri Lanka2 years ago

Yesterday, I passed an important milestone in my university life. I was so stressed about that thing. What is this thing? It's my research. We had to conduct independent research in the final semester. It's considered a 6 credit subject. And also, we had to conduct it individually.


There are 13 students under my supervisor. We have been doing our research for about 7 months. After a month of submission, there is a viva examination. I was a little nervous about it. My supervisor is a very kind and friendly person. She was very supportive till the last minute.

I was allocated to panel A and my name was in 3rd place from the bottom. We were informed to be there at 8.30 am. There were 13 students in panel A. I was waiting for hours and finally, my time came. It was 1.15 pm.

I started to present. I was a little nervous about it. When I get nervous in this kind of situation, I am in a hurry to wind up the presentation. Anyway, it went pretty well. I received good comments from my supervisor as well as my second examiner. I thought she would be tough but she was also very friendly. In the end, I heard the words, that I was eagerly waiting to hear for months; "accepted with minor corrections". Yeah! I felt so happy about that. I just have to do some simple corrections and submit the thesis in two weeks.


Next, a good thing and a bad thing happened at the same time. That is I could meet my friends. But some of them had viva the next day, so they didn't come to the university. I only met a few of my girl gang. Anyway, the day had a happy ending. 😋♥️


Congratulations on your winning.

Happy to see that the ending the things which made you more stressed.
All the best!😍

My greatest phobia in uni life is the research. Glad to hear that you end that for better