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RE: Comment contest! / Junk Food / SP prize

in Knack4buzz6 months ago (edited)

Junk Food


The word junk means waste or rubbish and food is what we eat to maintain good health so linking junk to food simply means food that is regarded as rubbish, waste or garbage.

Junk food is a food that has only a little or no nutritional value. Most times the road side food we eat are junk food because they prepare it in an unclean environment.

Junk food is not healthy for man. It causes a lot of health problems like constipation, heart issues, digestion problems and many more.

Please cook your food by yourself in a clean evironment and avoid junk food.💕

 6 months ago 

Untuk itu kita harus pandai dalam memilih makanan yang akan kita konsumsi, jangan sembarangan makan di tempat yang tidak higenis.

Very true my friend.

 6 months ago 

Terimakasih atas kehadirannya di post saya ini

Team True Colours - @ wakeupkitty

Thank you very much.