“You have the face to call…”

in Knack4buzz3 months ago

“You have the face to call…”

This is a real investigation and the data is interesting, have you ever been told that "you have the nerve to call yourself that" because it turns out that on July 15, a scientific investigation was published showing a study that states that names can modify Over time, the appearance of your physique, specifically that of your face.

It is not the first study that attempts to relate names to psychology, although this one does so with physicality. Years ago, studies were published by the Australian University of Melbourne and New York University that related names to personality. . of the individual, apparently statistically speaking those people who have a simple name, are more daring to add to get friends and adapt better to a job.

While those with complex names are more withdrawn and have a harder time socializing, in a later study at Harvard University, people with bizarre names were linked to being prone to developing neurotic behaviors. I can understand the latter, because if For example, a child is given the name Agapito, his schoolmates can make his life impossible with ridicule, that's the way of the world.


The point is that this is not about psychology, but about the physical aspect of what our face is like and it is not a theoretical investigation. To prove it, they did a series of experiments. The researchers first tried to determine if parents choose a baby's name. In what seems appropriate for the appearance of the baby they have, an example comes to mind, Jerónimo, the Chiricagua leader, had his original name goale, which literally means in his Chiricagua language “he who yawns.” It seems that as a child he was a little lazy. , although when he grew up he changed radically so the name did not influence him in that case.

The second option they investigated was to check if the process was the other way around, that is, that over the years the individual's facial appearance changed to match the name their parents gave them. To do this, they did an experiment and asked children 9 to 10 years old and adults to relate faces with names and the findings were quite impressive, in fact they were very good in terms of relating adult faces with their names, the number of correct answers was above what would be the level of correct answers by pure random.

But things did not work as well when trying to match children's faces with their names. In that case, the level of correct answers was not different from the level of correct answers that would be achieved by chance. The researchers gave a twist to the matter. What they did was take photos of children's faces and age them using an artificial intelligence algorithm, of which there are quite a few now. that make you age with standard parameters, they took those photos of aged children and showed them again to see if people associated those faces with a certain name and the thing is that it didn't turn out well, the number and level of correctness was similar to what that is achieved that could be achieved by chance.

From all this, what the researchers deduce is that our faces age not only following the normal course of our body, which would be what Artificial Intelligence would have done, but that they also age in some way with our names.

It's crazy that our names can influence our physical appearance, the researchers' conclusion is that the similarity between a person's face and their name is the result of a "self-fulfilling prophecy" facial appearance changes over time. time to resemble the social stereotypes associated with that name, to this we must add that personality can also be influenced as I told you in previous studies.

Moral of the story, if you have a son, don't call him agapito, it could have been a nice name in the past, but now it is not well regarded, give him something more impressive, something that draws attention, something that stands out, something that when the teacher asks him in the school What is your name? Your child answers something like My name is Máximo Decimus Meridio.

Study Source

The images without reference were created with AI Le immagini senza riferimento sono state create con l'intelligenza artificiale
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 3 months ago 

Thanks a lot


A study was conducted on July 15th in which a study proved that names can be interchanged and there is no doubt that there are different human activities at the University of Stratford and here in New York. But there has been a lot of research and there is no doubt that man can carry out his work by advancing research in his life.

I really like what you said. You have done a lot of research and you have used the words we meet very truthfully because we often think that if we have this name. If the meaning of this name is kept, then it will affect the person, although this is not the case, but sometimes I have seen that some names have the same personality as him, but some are completely opposite. If there are, then what should we understand the meaning of it? For example, my nephew, the name he has been given is exactly the same as his name means, so it is from nature. If he was lazy, we could have said the opposite, so you have shared a lot of good things with us, thank you very much.