 2 months ago 

Yes. I thought a mosquitoe with superpower (pepper addict if you ask me) deserves a spot before winter starts and it freezes to dea...
Does that bird of yours eat mosquitoes? 😵

 2 months ago 

This is the best food for him. Yummy! Haha!

images (8).jfif
Image Source: mrmr

 2 months ago 

Alteady thought so! How cruel 😵

On the other jand that bird looks good 😍is it edible?

 last month 

no it's my bird , oh the poor bird => => escape escape

 last month 


 last month 

I will demand support from my dog! 🐶🐕

 last month 

Seriously 🤣🤣🤣 the dog should support you?

 last month 

Yeah, your cat wants to eat my bird.