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RE: Comment contest!!//My best excuse for skipping school work//10 SP prize 🏆

in Knack4buzz20 days ago

Hello professor @khrsheedanwar, here is my participation.

A long time ago in my school days.
The excuses I make for skipping school

This excuses usually happens when my teacher gives us a presentation assignment. As a shy person, I wouldn't like to partake in that presentation so since I have ulcer back then, i will tell my mom that am not too strong today that I am having stomach pain that my stomach is pitching me. For some reason, my excuse never worked since Mom was smarter than me. But for the sake of love and care, she will just let me stay back. When I get to school the following day, I will tell me teacher that I was seriously sick home. My teacher will just believe that part.
This was my style of jumping around.

As I grow up, I see the need to always partake in school activities.