Spanish lessons through literature/creative writing: "clase n.11 tercer acto"
EL DIARIO DE DIEGO: clase n.11 tercer acto
Ahora, mis queridos y queridas, sé que se preguntarán si mi hermana trabaja. Ya que tiene veinticuatro años, como les dije. Y ustedes saben que mi familia es bien pobre, entonces el sueldo de mi hermana no nos vendría nada mal. Entonces, mis amores, mi hermana es peluquera, esteticista y también posee Tecnicatura Universitaria en Cosmetología Facial y Corporal. Además, cursó unos cuantos meses después de la tecnicatura, para convertirse en auxiliar de cirujanos plásticos.¿Nada mal, cierto? Después de completar toda esa carrera, mi hermana había hallado empleo en un hospital de las obras sociales. Lástima que esa maravillosa estructura se cerró cuatro meses después, debido a falta de recursos. Mi hermana no logró hallar ningún otro empleo decente desde entonces: como ustedes saben, la Argentina del siglo veintiséis está pésima desde este punto de vista...
I'll post the English translation, but what about the idea to study some grammar and context?😂
Here the tool:
Synonymous and cultural points:
HALLAR es sinónimo de ENCONTRAR. Hay todavía pequeñas diferencias entre estos dos verbos, pero la mayoría de las veces son diferencias formales y no en su esencia. En el caso al que hoy nos referimos, HALLAR EMPLEO es lo mismo que ENCONTRAR EMPLEO, aunque HALLAR es más formal y se utiliza cuando se encuentra algo sin haberlo buscado previamente (pues, averiguamos que Dieguito es un alumno dedicado, como que sabe utilizar términos formales )/HALLAR (= TO FIND) is synonymous with ENCONTRAR (= TO FIND). There are still small differences between these two verbs, but most of the time they are formal differences and not in their essence. In the case we are referring to today, HALLAR EMPLEO is the same as ENCONTRAR EMPLEO, although HALLAR is more formal and is also used when you find something without having previously looked for it (well, we found out that Dieguito is a dedicated student, as he knows how to use formal terms ).
TECNICATURA/S: in Argentina, short-term university degrees (about 2 or 3 years).
Here the video-slide with the pronunciation:
I registered the pronunciation and to do the video-slide I added an image of a padlock locking an old door of an old building, to represent the closing of the social welfare hospital where little Diego's older sister was working. From Pixabay royalty free. You find it here:
Video-slide prepared with the free tools Slideshow Creator and ClipChamp default for Windows11.
Did you read the lesson and watched the video-slide? Very well, let's go now to see the English translation🤗:
DIEGO'S DIARY (=EL DIARIO DE DIEGO): lesson n.11 third part (=clase n.11 tercer acto)
Now, my dear friends, I know you are wondering if my sister works. She is twenty-four years old, as I told you. And you know that my family is very poor, so my sister's salary wouldn't be bad for us. So, my beloved friends, my sister is a hairdresser, beautician and she also has an University Degree in Facial and Body Cosmetology. She also studied for a few months after her degree to become a plastic surgeon's assistant. Not bad, right? After completing the whole courses, my sister had found a job in a social welfare hospital. What a mishap that this wonderful structure was closed four months later, due to lack of resources. My sister has not been able to find any other decent job since then: as you know, Argentina in the twenty-sixth century is a lousy place from this point of view...
Previous lesson:
Ps.:Merry Christmas and a happy New Year🤗
🤖 @pousinha - wonderful post as always! 🌟 💫
Hey friend! 🎉 Come check out your awesome post on my shiny new front-end! It's still a work in progress but I'd love to hear what you think! View your post here ✨
Great to see another lesson! All the best and Merry Christmas if you celebrate.