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RE: Comment contest!!//Asking from my future//10 SP Prize 🏆

in Knack4buzz2 months ago

Hi everyone, am Joseph @princejoe. It my pleasure to partake in this contest organised by @khiursheedanwar.

Its interesting to note that almost every living being are interested about their future. History and research shows that even in time past many powerful individuals and even kings do pay huge amount of golds and silver to people who claim to know the future but sad to say that such efforts have not always bring the derised results. Why not? Because no human can rightly say what is own will be like let alone that of another person.
Does this mean that we as humans cannot about our future? The answer is no. We can only know about our if we look to the one who can and as always know our future, and this person is our creator (Jehovah God).
It is also interesting to note that our future as humans are not predestined, our future solely depends on how we life our live our lives now. Now concerning our future has humans, this is what i know for sure:

  • All human government will be destroy by Almighty God because of all their wicked practices such as killing of people and embezzlement of public funds etc. and humans as a whole will be ruled by one unviersal king.

  • For those who choose to live according to God's laws and standards will live forever on this earth without having to experince hunger, sickness, old age and even death

  • For those who choose to live their according to their dersires, they will be destoryed forever by God.

So the choice about our future is ours to make.