MOCOPAT, Javanesse Song, are include Classical Music?, A comment to @wakeupkitty on RE: Comment contest//Classical music genre
Hello All Steemian around the world.
i hope you are healthy and full of blessing
I am so glad to be a part of Steemit ecosystem. It make me try to interact with other Steemian. And now I want to write about how a music genre become topic of conversation. At first @khursheedanwar make a post which held a #cooment contest. He bring genre classical music for all Steemian. And then many others involved in the comment. I see that @wakeupkity also give her opinion and invite me in thet conversation. And now I bring my opinion.
I am one of those who are left behind with European or world classical music. My world is perhaps more familiar with traditional culture. I know gamelan and Javanese songs, because the environment where I grew up is more familiar with gamelan. Incidentally, my adoptive father is a puppeteer so that the performing arts known are more Javanese culture.
Likewise with the music that I know. More songs and traditional music. We have many songs ranging from children's songs that are usually used to accompany children's games. We also know mocopat songs which are songs that tell the story of human life from the womb to death. All are summarized in 11 mocopat songs consisting of MASKUMAMBANG. MIJIL, KINANTI, SINOM, ASMARADANA, GAMBUH, DANDANG GUILA, DURMA, PANGKUR MEGATRUH, POCUNG. Each has its own message and advice.
Maskumambang mean floating gold . this song which describes when we are still in the womb we float or drift in the amniotic fluid in the stomach of a mother. In every song lyrics, Maskumambang always gives a message to adults or those in the womb through a mother. There are so many advices and examples in this song.
Mijil which means to come out describes the situation when we are born. In this birth we are then introduced to the world and the first one always teaches good character when we are about to be born and for those who help the birth of a baby and the adults who accompany us.
Kinanti means being held and guided. Tells the story of a child who needs guidance and direction from parents. With the right guidance, a golden generation will be born.
Sinom means young leaves. It symbolizes the stage of a teenager who is filled with a young soul so that a rebellious soul often grows in order to find their identity. At this time every parent must also give direction so that everything can go to a better point.
Asmaradana come from two words, asmara mean love and dahana mean fire. A song that symbolizes the romantic story of human love. When falling in love, people will feel that everything is beautiful so that even cat poop is considered to taste like chocolate. If not given proper guidance, blind love can be dangerous for someone.
Gambuh mean suitable, describes the compatibility of a couple who are already in a relationship and this will be continued with the marriage stage. Promising in a sacred bond so that they will be able to build a good household.
Dandang Gula mean feel bitter and sugar mean sweet. It tells the story of a household life full of the ups and downs of life. When a good relationship feels sweet like sugar and will be bitter like the difficult times that must be faced in household life.
Durma mean dedication. It describes the time when humans must dedicate their lives to community life as well as to God. Devotion to society certainly requires guidance so as not to go astray and can become good members of society.
Pangkur mean step back. It symbolizes an increasingly old age and must begin to retreat from the glittering stage of life. begin to realize yourself and get closer to God. Must reduce worldly things and then get closer to the joints of divinity and spirituality.
Megatruh come from tw words megat mean separated, ruh mean life. This a song that symbolizes the separation of the human body and soul. The process of death that must indeed be undergone by all living creatures. This song in its lyrics teaches the values of goodness that must be practiced so that it will run smoothly when experiencing the process of death and die in goodness.
Pocung is a symbol when a human dies and is then wrapped in a shroud and buried. In Javanese Islamic tradition, the burial of the body is preceded by a procession of bathing, shrouding and burying.
That's why when talking about classical songs I don't know much since I was little. What I remember most is that the songs used in animated films display the beauty of voices such as Mozart, Beethoven or Pavaroti.
That's all I can say to comment on the post.
Thank you for stopping by and reading my post, I hope you enjoy it.
Warm regard from Indonesia
They say classical music is the soil of the modern music. If you take older musicians like Freddy Mercury (Queen) you can hear his musical education involved classical music as well.
To me there are better singers than
@sbamsoneu this one is for you as well!
Andrea Bocelli (time to say goodbye)
Indeed: Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi are the old componists and Pavarotti and others still keep this kind of music popular but so did the London Orchestra. They sang (and played) for example: Jesus Christ Superstar
I like what you shared about the folk music. I believe we all have this music as well although it's in many cultures wiped out by the "modern" music which is to my ears not as melodic and misses a certain charm.
Thanks for your super comment.
The hashtags #music #culture #history fit better to what you wrote
The hashtag #comment has a typo
I am so glad be a friend you. Remind me when I am I walk on wrong way and bring me to the right track.
Million thank for all advice
It is good to have you for a friend. I doubt you walk into the wrong direction and if so remember if it comes to it all roads will lead to Rome or wherever you like to go.